zondag 26 februari 2023

A Tribute to my Mother and to so many Women ~ Mike Harrigan

A Tribute to my Mother and to so many Women who have had to Endure Hardship and become
who they are today.
I See You.
I Feel You.
I Love You.
I Appreciate You.

Powered By Spirit She Survived.
Has fought a thousand battles..
And is still Standing..
Has cried a thousand tears..
And is still Smiling..
Has been Broken , Betrayed
and Abandoned..
But she still Walks Proud
This woman is Strong,
Independent & Beautiful!!
This womans is Me..

Strong Women are not simply born.
They are forged from the searing fire. With each burn, they Glow Bright and white. They are Strengthened by Adversity.
Passionate as the sun that refuses to cease shining, they come away with their heads held high and with an elegance that cannot be denied. You can feel their fire burning.
A girl makes excuses. A woman holds her inner testament as sacred. She knows her strengths and weaknesses and promotes her strength. She lightens her path with her own glow.
Strong Women are not average. They have been through hell but still see beauty around them. They still feel beautiful within themselves. Their heads are never bowed.
They take each moment with Grace and Elegance that is unique to them. Enjoying life as they trudge on their journey to self discovery. Strong women are not average, they are Queens.
Follow the Love, Joy, Goodness of your Heart, inner being, Passion in your Soul and Stars in your eyes. Stay away from slippery people and slippery places. Stay in your Light; Always.
"You are Free.. You are Powerful..
You are good.. You are Love..
You have value.. You have a purpose..
All is well."
Copyright ©
Creator Writer Author
Mike Harrigan.
All Rights Reserved
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Universal Consciousness..