Today begins a new chapter in our Ascension.
We are in the Event Portal.
Moving from connecting into yourself and sharing your energy out.
To knowing your light and walking in that power in a stronger way.
Going forward you are here of service, to help those around you, not spark them awake.
Those that needed to awaken have.
Those that have decided to stay asleep, shall.
That portion of your mission is completed and you did very well!!
Walking in your light as we move forward together in the Event Portal, you will start pulling in more of you higher consciousness.
You will begin to understand all things in a deeper manor.
The Solar Trinity has released as of 3:33 am PST.
We are awaiting the Grand Solar Flash in a way never before felt on this planet.
Feel the Excitement and Joy this is bringing to the spirit team around you.
We have more Ascension Energies coming in today.
These are helping to clear and purge those last bits that need to go within your system, so you can hold as much light within you as possible.
We also have the possibility of M & X Class Solar Flares today.
Flux Energies are rising as well.
All of these energies are here because of YOU and for YOU.
You are a fractal of Source having an experience in Humanity.
You took this mission to come in and awaken the world, and you HAVE, Dear One.
As you know, everything can and will change in the Flash, you are just closer than you've ever been before to that point.
Connect into you, rather than outside of you. The answers you seek now are all within YOU.
Much love and light Divine One,
-SA Smith