donderdag 10 mei 2018


foto van Lisa Brown.

We are getting our butts kicked in Cosmic Light Codes again....
Deeeeeeep cellular cleansing.... deeeeeeep .... We are in the middle of a Cosmic/Universal/Gaia's In-breath..... contracting.... squeezing every ounce of any old programs out for a huge clearing (again,

like day 5 of this massive process)...
Breathing/throat/heart/chest/back/hips/head/bones/muscles... we have compression occurring. Deep into the bones, organs... our star particles are "working" really intently.
We started a massive Diamond Light Code FLUSH a few days back... which continues.... deeply, strongly.... quietly...

We've been going through a huge template re-write again, the next phase of the 2222 Higher Consciousness HUmanity Code, as well as the Rainbow LightBody and Diamond LightBody Templates, Unifying of the Cosmic Heart/Cosmic Mind/Cosmic Body right now.... the next phases of all of these....

January's was immense (3 weeks for me), this time only 5 days, yet just as immense right now... I only got up because I had to yesterday, then kaput...

F. L. U. = (Frequency Light Upgrades)
Full body flush/detox/cleanse/upgrade/template re-write...
Muscles for some going haywire. Electrical impulses ravaging through the body, hot/cold temps, whole body clearings....

Super mega important to honor, rest, allow the body/support the body in what it needs... for those experiencing this part...

Once we complete this process, there will be an expansion occur, elevation of frequencies and stargate alignments beginning again, charging of the gridwork and more....
Bones, teeth and more.... Honor your multi-dimensional body and you.... I'm back in bed, zero energy for anyone/anything... honoring me too!

I love you!

All will ease up when this process is complete and we enter expansion energies again.

Lisa Transcendence Brown