zondag 30 juli 2017


Some personal updates, the current cosmic ascension energies & this Huge Passageway WE are in
♦  Are you SEEING how your realities are ready to align easier for you? ♦
Aloha beautiful love family,
Today we awoke to more NEW Energies after StarGates activating last night before sleep, after being "geared down" for 3 days straight. Being in this Eclipse passageway is to unanchor/dig deeper into any old linear programming that needs to surface/play out to clear. Being totally conscious of this, gives us the capability to see the program as it starts to play and shift it intentionally to a much higher timeline ourselves. I had about an hour of huge old-fear programming trigger yesterday (we hit a collective "pocket" that needed to release), and it was amazing at how fast and easy it was to see it, bring it up for body/cellular release and shift completely out of it within a few hours (exercising and deep breathing helped push it out in no time too!).

I'm having to focus more on my physical body and not working 24/7 in linear/sitting at a computer so much as before, which has been challenging with 12 email accounts and about 6 more inboxes that stay packed (and there's no way to respond to all). I've had to honor what I've seen, which is to switch up my schedule/routine dramatically. Used to be, for years, I'd get up and make my coffee (pot) and go to work.... solid/all day... till my body gave out (because our LightBody is different and we know when to push it and when to stop).... 

Last year, I was shown/saw, that my body needed exercise... little by little I started working this in, yet with my immense in-service work schedule, never enough. Exercise and sunshine took a back seat, over and over again, as work (what we are shown to accomplish for the bigger picture for us all), was so huge, if I didn't stay on top of it all, everything would go sideways & even collapse. These NEW EARTH realities we build are huge and they take all of our energy to support, sustain/maintain. 

This year, My Universe started pulling me back, slowing me down, with my body... it can't take 20+ hour days of slamming work-mode anymore. It's hilarious, because I was shocked when I could only produce linear work for 8 hours, so used to 20+ hours, I had to laugh at "ONLY 8 hours a day?". lol. Our consciousness never stops (higher mind either), so we are "on" 24/7 non-stop these last many years. We don't "get a break", and until I "learned" how to disconnect my consciousness from my StarGate System (new gift/abilities), the immense responsibility for every dimension/reality/timeline was BEYOND. It's been SO much easier since the completion of my own Christed StarGate System this last year. LightBody phase, we can go 18-20+ linear hours a day. Working in tandem with/AS our Universe/our Universal body is not on linear time anymore.. so it's very different. It's vibrational and we don't deplete like before, and we become Generators of Light, which makes it easy to slam through tons that used to take us years to accomplish, meanwhile jumping huge timelines like crazy... 

Each "body" phase I went through, I had to learn to adapt. Human body (totally asleep/disconnected), LightBody, Crystalline LightBody, Plasma Crystalline LightBody, then Etheric Plasma Crystalline LightBody/Earthly Body Unification (when I entered Avatar Consciousness & OverSoul Embodiment in 2016. We learn to honor our body WHILE getting it all done, Mastering infinite realities, maintaining balance and accomplishing all, while not compromising me... which takes all of our energy to do all with ease. Yet it is very possible as we cut out the distractions and everything that does not support our purposes/missions/NEW Earth Existence here. 

In February, my Universe (me) said enough. Started clearing my reality of everything and then it was to simplify, everything. Stop taking on more, stop trying to work, just keep up/maintain with what is absolutely necessary, and let the rest go. 

Years of living on NEW Earth and embodying the higher realms took it's toll on my body, as it kinda got me through it all, as it will, if we honor completely.... yet when our Plasma Crystalline LightBodies say enough is enough... we have to listen, or they will stop working.... just like when we were human and we pushed our bodies to a breaking point. This is different. We don't break, yet we can't generate energy on our own if we are not sun-charging, if we are not caring for our Earthly Bodies through nurturing, nature and integration processes. We are anchoring SO much light at times, in our physical, that takes precedence and we can't do anything else. Especially when we move into intentional Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper duties with our entire physical body structures, for our NEW Earth Systems to be completely re-structured/re-built and for our StarGate System to synchronize and come fully online too. 

These last few months for me has been "stop working so much", let more go... so I've gotten down to bare minimum for my body to move fully from linear to non-linear with what was left, as cell restructuring moved into a whole new phase. About a month or so ago, I was shown to flip my entire schedule and that the first 6 hours of every day is dedicated to my body now, not work.... no work allowed, no linear introduction as my body re-calibrated and re-coded itself. Work has been challenging, as there's so much to do.... so again, let more go... my body "stopped fitting" and I got really tired of getting bigger and bigger, yet when we are constantly birthing galaxies here, what are we to do?!!!!

The last few days, I took my consciousness into my organs, my cells, my flesh and I saw what I needed to see (we can do this easily and see our DNA, cellular structures & more), what I needed to change and dedicated to myself that this would be my priority. After years of embodiment, the body needing chocolate for the pineal gland, peanut butter/bread/honey for protein & abundance weaving, potato chips/carbs/salt for other things, coffee to stimulate my brain so I could produce linearly (we don't have nerves like before, as the entire neural network gets redone/upgraded). Now (again, as I detoxed and did all raw/life/clean/green for 2 years to purify my physical in 2011 to move into Crystalline LightBody phase. my body wants only live, green again and a ridiculous amount of supplements to support the different systems being re-worked through advanced DNA upgrades have increased substantially again. (Continually now). Detoxing regularly and supporting the immune/thyroid and other body systems that are in advanced DNA mutation/alteration/modification mode. 

I've taken a photo of some of the supplements and will be sharing a bit of my "physical body" journey over the next few months as is appropriate. There are dramatic differences in each "body" phase. Right now, I'm so happy (and lucky here on Kauai) to shift to coconuts & avocados as my primary food, supplemented by what is appropriate daily now. 

Today when I awoke and heard the frequencies, the words were "these support your bodies now". Cool! and for the first time, I was able to exercise for like 4 hours solid. Unheard of since my Intentional Ascension process began. (Before that I was "falling backwards through everything). Until today, I've been lucky to exercise 5-10 minutes at a time (15 max with playing the Black Eyed Peas!)... I even jogged for like 20 minutes today, after 3 hours of other exercise. Whatttttttttttttttt? Oh yeah! Now we are talking! 

The kicker, no linear/sitting work hardly. 1 hour at a time after all the exercise/body/sun time is done... THEN I'm allowed to do the bare minimum (usually contract commitments). With 12 email accounts & 20 inboxes total, I also had to let emails go. I'm now only checking everything once a week. Not reading the abundance of requests coming in.... can't do it. Only dealing with necessities for awhile... minimizing and doing what I need to, on top of the commitments (new books/publishing/retreats/interviews/writing for collectives/global consciousness).... 

I'm cutting back, to mostly cutting out, all carbs again. Just the bare minimum to sustain hunger when my body needs fuel (high cellular spin rate). Filling my body with tons of live support, exercising first before I even open my computer/check any email accounts, with sunshine for a hour minimum on the days that weather permits.... the rest will get done as I am able/it is meant to.... I've accomplished in one week what takes most months/years even... so not a bad deal! This is because I function Quantum/Vibrational and not linearly, so I can slam out tons of projects in just a few hours with staying totally focused and cutting all distractions/that which does not beneficially support/contribute to the bigger picture too. We don't "think" with our human minds when we work. We function from our higher minds, which is very different and there's no thinking here. There's seeing & doing... no delay by way of thought... It's how I've done so much for years. ♥

Now, cool news to share: This last week, I completed agreements for 3 of my books to be distributed through Balboa Press (HayHouse Subsidiary)... to reach more through a much greater global distribution than I could do by myself these last few years. Even though the first 2 books reached tons globally and have been such a great success, it's time to make them visible/available to more, who will benefit greatly from the light encoded information shared. I'm very excited and now to focus on writing book 3 (and 4 & 5 simultaneously too!. How awesome is this?!!!! 

On top of that, I was notified by FeedSpot that my/the Awakening To Remembering website made the Top 75 Consciousness Blogs and Websites on the Planet/Web. #16 reaching millions! THAT was an unexpected magical milestone I could not even see!!!! Check out all 75 to see what else is out there. 

Last year we reached more/millions (I wrote a post recently regarding all we've accomplished, a huge thank you/appreciation to sooooo many who are a part of it all, translators, creators, supporters, contributors... I think my writings & work is now translated in 7 different languages (in addition to English), which will soon include the books in a few different languages too!  

I have more announcements coming soon, on upcoming retreats (longer post, so do that separately), more interviews, yet I've decreased these substantially too, only doing a select few. As a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper, we've moved into the Gateway that takes us through next January now, so every moment forward is more dedicated to this entire passageway into next January and anchoring immense light codes into our physical body structures/templates and the grids of Gaia too. Right now we are focused on "Strengthening the/our NEW EARTH Crystalline Gridwork" as huge structures of old come down in much bigger ways than ever before. Maintain balance and stability inside for the outside to do the same. Maintain your connected state ALL OF THE TIME, for if you disconnect, you go unconscious and old realities can start to play out again. 

The collective message yesterday (and a writing to share soon), was that "Your Universe Will Throw You Every Distraction" and it will be easy to "get off track" if you are not consciously choosing your reality and aligning all yourself. You are the ONE Responsible, as is each person (for their own reality) in your reality too. The more inner-twined realities are, the more they directly affect others. There is always a dimensional effect that is not visible to the unconscious human. Seeing in infinite timelines, karmic lines/patterns, unconscious programming, cause & effect (vibrationally), gives us each the capability to collapse/merge/jump timelines with greater ease. If you allow yourself to get caught up in distractions, then your other awesome realities cannot play out. Simultaneous realities means that multiple realities are available in every moment, yet some portals open, some close if you are not choosing/taking them. They may open again later, sometime not at all, and you'll take a very different path, which will always be the one you are meant to take... the cool part is you get to take the more direct path now. You don't have to take the "distracted one that is not as much fun/lacks in any way", unless you are still holding lack inside in some way. You have a virtual reality and an immediate reality and understanding this is KEY. ♥

Today has been strong Crystalline Frequencies and high singing frequencies too. ♫ This passageway is for moving out any deeply embedded programs, resolving physical realities that can no longer vibrationally align. More open, honest, respectful, considerate and kind communication is necessary for realities to shift/align with greater ease. Our relationships with everything are pronounced. We transcend identities and shift to relationships.... we don't have identities with anything anymore.. we have a very different, deeply connected (Galactic Soul) relationship with all from within. 

More soon! Lots of announcements coming as we "unveil" more! Luckily we can accomplish Quantum Style (vibrationally) with great ease, which obliterates linear completely! This week officially began my "Gatekeeper Sabbatical", which I'll write more on soon too. ♥ Meanwhile, I have a beautiful Membership CommUNITY that needs my attention after being offline all week too. 

Join us on Monday for a new video interview. I'll send the announcement & details out tomorrow!