increasing cosmic, galactic, higher dimensional frequencies are
re-structuring everything on a more advanced level now. Continually,
increasingly, substantially... these are our words on a regular basis,
because Galactic Earth Gaia's/Our Ascension processes are not slowing
down and shall not. They are not mean to. We are meant to adjust and
hold more light in our own physical bodies.... more and more and
We are the ones who have to constantly adapt, constantly shift, constantly pull-away and anchor more light in our physical body structures. We are the ones that have to "learn" (Remember) how to EXIST in highest dimensional frequencies, how to manage all dimensional timelines, how to maneuver, how to function and LIVE in much lighter density realities.......
With our physical bodies... they held all. They kept us anchored, we suppressed/shoved it all in/held on as we agreed to take on heavy, dense physical body forms that bound us to the UNCONSCIOUS DENSITY REALMS of Old Earth before.....
Then it's time to "exit the matrix", which is where the crazy, bizarre, realities going sideways, feeling stuck, feeling squished, feeling pushed/pulled about, feeling all the chaos, confusion and our lives not making any sense at all anymore..... because it's time to being our "VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE" ... which makes no sense to the logical/linear human minds.... for it requires FEELING everything, until all of those suppressed feelings are gone, until our bodies can re-code themselves easier, until our Soul has awakened fully inside of our body for full integration to occur..... until WE leave "I"/self-serving-agenda consciousness and Unify inside.....
Simplicity is necessary, simply all..... Our heads complicate everything... and these mega-high frequencies that our planet-ship Earth now transmits out, moving through the Galactic/SOLar Core and expanding into multiple galaxies and deep into Earth's Core too.... inside of us does these things and anything of "other existences" that is not totally PURE (karma) plays out in our every-moment-physical world.... Where the different types of Karma have been cleared, then it's just residue/remnants that appear for us to see and resolve instantly so that all can instantly shift into a higher/lighter density bandwidth of existence.....
The human body was dense, held everything and operated on an old obsolete "Opearating System". This system goes through a complete overhaul, a re-working of everything to bring all into full alignment with each's SOUL through expediting our processes. It will always be more than our little human can handle, because the little human has to be surrendered to Highest Consciousness Existence where only Purity, Love and Unity exists. WE have to honor the cellular releasing/upgrading process as it occurs and return to Full Consciousness again.
These highly charged electrical impulses and circuitry systems that have been coming online for the last many years, within our Gaia and our Evolving Earthly Crystalline LightBodies that function on many variations of Super Quantum Light are constantly going in & out of different phases to synchronize constantly, to embody new Galactic Soul Codes. In and out of cycles, in and out of processes, in and out of different realities to anchor all new timelines here in our physical while the atomic structure of our bodies change and our molecular/cellular structure is constantly re-vamped, re-calibrated, re-tuned to vibrate, literally, every atom, molecule..... vibrating, shaking, zooming, shifting to communicated energetically in all new ways.....
WE vibrate in and out, higher/lower density as the body changes in gravity constantly now. Heavy/dense, activate, release. Light, happy, playful, heart-mind expanding, peaceful and free. Cosmic Frequencies shifting constantly to re-work the density/lightness of our bodies to bring all online more with the Crystalline Grid of Our NEW Earth......
Data, programs, holographic access, new codes, sequences, information, new processes..... not human, a little human or more human if we've got something to clear.... WE can maintain full consciousness while we cleanse cellular memory here...... It's not fun, but it is necessary for all of us and it is a huge part of our service for all of humanity here...
Simplify.... this is the message for May (and from this point on). Simplify everything. Your body/life is going it require it. Your nervous system being reworked with new circuitry that cannot handles the overloading. The human body/brain/system will short out. Everyone must honor when their body speaks, nurture their bodies, love their bodies back to pristine "health"....... for the 5th Dimension has no dis-ease or sick, those were encodments for each's human experience (human DNA) and to transcend this, each must choose to release the energy of those old programs (guild/blame/shame/victim/hurt/judgment/resistance/fight/survival/struggle, etc.) that is held deep inside. Each must choose to release the ENERGY of SEPARATION (other time) CONSCIOUSNESS and that anything is "outside" at all.....
"That time/story" about who did what to who (betrayal, lack of love, lack of respect, lack of integrity, lack of everything).... that is human separation and keeps each bound to those old realities that cause the body/each to suffer..... and the new vibrations won't "tolerate" this holding onto "other times" anymore....
As time collapses, for the human all speeds up. It will feel like there's not enough time anymore. This is because there isn't, for your existence is not in "time". Your existence is in NOW, where time ceases to exist. In this NOW, all you have is "this". Let it all go, let it fall away, bring YOURSELF into TOTAL PRESENCE....
OBSERVE what your head does, the stories, what's going on with you, how chaotic you are inside, how much YOU keep trying to "leave this moment" to keep all of those stories going..... This is your own Separation.... and until you are ready to totally let go of that which will collapse if you keep insisting on playing in unconscious realities, then you are the one that keeps re-creating a perception of real until the dis-illusion is gone.....
Simplify.... see what is no longer serving your highest-heart existence here. Simplify, cut the excess stuff out, let it go.... move on..... Simplify.... the details, the need to control, the need to keep complicating things with the way your human wants all. Simplify your whole life..... Highest existence is SIMPLE and PURE..... If it's not PURE, if it's not totally aligned with your own UNIVERSAL SOUL, then it's your separated, fearful, head-driven you.
PURE, no hidden agendas, no "just showing up" when you want something. PURE. SIMPLE. EASY. Pay attention to where you keep creating/allowing chaos, where you go unconscious/disconnect, where you get caught up in the stories/game playing, where you place your power in anything outside, instead of pulling away and going deep inside to listen/connect...... Where do you lack honor/integrity and UNITY inside..... ?
Your human will be faced with everything that you still hold inside. When you step back and disconnect from the external, you can connect with your inner-guidance system to align all yourself.....
Simplify, or these ultra-high, super stimulating electri-frying/electrifying charging frequencies will short your human body/brain/heart/spine/systems out. For the human, they overload. For us, they stimulate. Simplify. See where you complicate, see where your human's in the way, see where you go unconscious and why.....
These frequencies are over-stimulating all intentionally, to "faster" bring NEW Earth's Crystalline Gridwork fully online, continually....... When I use the words "new", I refer to Higher/Lighter Density Existence. It's only new to our human. It's the unknown to our human, yet very known by us. Much awaited, as Frequency Holders & Light/Grid Keepers, we've waited and worked hard for these highest timelines that are arriving/materializing/present now.
These ultra-high frequencies (and hard on our human bodies at times), require that we shift our own priorities constantly now. These are hugely amplifying and stimulating our Fully Conscious "NEW Earth" economy, relationships, lives and evolution here. There is nothing that is not touched by this. Extensive and intricate Atomic/Molecular make-up of physical matter taking form, all re-constructed and re-built fully on NEW Earth Value Systems that are PURE.
You/WE all require more "Me/WE/BE" time now. More alone time with nature, sleep, rest, relaxed, so that when we are able to "do", it's simpler.... we choose the simple way instead of trying to control/complicate everything like we use to..... trying to keep everything "like it was" before.....
Maintaining balance requires more inner-focus for what we all allow/feed our energy into. Creation from our Purest Source Light point inside and emanating out.... Inspiration, Joy and fulfilling our unity/supporting roles here. It's always about the bigger picture, not just "you".....
For awhile, it will have to be "all about you", for you are "reversing" your old unconscious ways of focusing on "everyone/everything" else.... (outside). Once/as you complete this cycle of loving yourself fully again, respecting you fully and realizing how much you do have to offer, utilizing all of your gifts, sharing to support (in every way), you will move into Intentional Full-Service to fulfill your own Soul's Purposes & Galactic Missions here. The more invested we are, the more we receive. The more we contribute, share, support and really truly committed from the depths of our own Souls, the easier all becomes for us....
This network of all of us DOING our NEW Earth realities, constantly stepping-up, constantly honoring ourselves, gives us the ability to MASTER ALL DIMENSIONS/TIMELINES/REALITIES here.... Through our own Embodiment processes, we no longer separate off or go small. We do not disconnect from Unity Consciousness, even when we need to pull away to re-calibrate/re-group..... We just shift how we are contributing in that moment, for if we are not honoring ourselves, we cannot honor anyone else......
The depths and expansiveness of our existences all culminating/unifying in "this space" that we exist in here, go so far beyond the actual physical experience. We experience all of our existences simultaneously now. And when they are a REMEMBERED STATE of FULL CONNECTION, we have a very different experience than when we used to go unconscious to cleanse & clear. We need not go unconscious for these processes.... As multi-dimensional we have the capability to MASTER multiple dimensions simultaneously here.
If you find yourself struggling to connect, close your eyes and go deep inside and just BE..... bring all to a halt, just sit until silence and peace returns inside and emanate this out... when you open your eyes, do it softly, unfocused and feel......... Let all that excess energy dissipate..... Stay there until "this is your new place" to move from.
If you find yourself with "too much energy", then still yourself inside and focus that energy, productively, intentionally on creation, inspiration and making a difference through transmitting your own light. All you touch, all you speak, all you do.... this effects all........ pay attention to what you are transmitting out from inside of you.
These upcoming shift are going to require each to slow down more, each to simplify more, each to really truly stay connected inside more and to open up fully, see the bigger picture and let the rest go.....
If you know that on a Soul Level that you are mean to do certain things, stop worrying about the "how or when", for those are separation of time and human programs.
Raise your vibration, of all of your bodies (mental, physical, emotional) and elevate your consciousness to SEE. Then when you have the energy/feel to, get up and go get busy. When you are not able, then honor your Physical (Light) Body's need to integrate higher light encodments and tuning processes that cause your body to go weak when it's time to anchor/integrate/hold more light in your own physical form here. Clear your field of consciousness for this to occur easily. What you allow physically in your field will affect this. You decide how to create a higher vibrational physical space for this to occur easier for you. ♥
Get ready for more of everything.... Whatever you allow/focus on, this is what you keep bringing into your physical reality through your own un/consciousness here. ♥
Keep it simple. Choose to stop allowing your mind to complicate things. Observe where your mind (thought energy) keeps things "the old way", keeps things going, keeps your body tense and in resistance/struggle mode. Open up your heart-mind-energy further and YOU SHIFT shift intentionally to ease, peace, unity (easy) and purity/love inside....
I love you. In-joy the magic that our highest existences bring us all, as we are truly ready and fully on-board. ♦
Lisa Transcendence Brown
We are the ones who have to constantly adapt, constantly shift, constantly pull-away and anchor more light in our physical body structures. We are the ones that have to "learn" (Remember) how to EXIST in highest dimensional frequencies, how to manage all dimensional timelines, how to maneuver, how to function and LIVE in much lighter density realities.......
With our physical bodies... they held all. They kept us anchored, we suppressed/shoved it all in/held on as we agreed to take on heavy, dense physical body forms that bound us to the UNCONSCIOUS DENSITY REALMS of Old Earth before.....
Then it's time to "exit the matrix", which is where the crazy, bizarre, realities going sideways, feeling stuck, feeling squished, feeling pushed/pulled about, feeling all the chaos, confusion and our lives not making any sense at all anymore..... because it's time to being our "VIBRATIONAL EXISTENCE" ... which makes no sense to the logical/linear human minds.... for it requires FEELING everything, until all of those suppressed feelings are gone, until our bodies can re-code themselves easier, until our Soul has awakened fully inside of our body for full integration to occur..... until WE leave "I"/self-serving-agenda consciousness and Unify inside.....
Simplicity is necessary, simply all..... Our heads complicate everything... and these mega-high frequencies that our planet-ship Earth now transmits out, moving through the Galactic/SOLar Core and expanding into multiple galaxies and deep into Earth's Core too.... inside of us does these things and anything of "other existences" that is not totally PURE (karma) plays out in our every-moment-physical world.... Where the different types of Karma have been cleared, then it's just residue/remnants that appear for us to see and resolve instantly so that all can instantly shift into a higher/lighter density bandwidth of existence.....
The human body was dense, held everything and operated on an old obsolete "Opearating System". This system goes through a complete overhaul, a re-working of everything to bring all into full alignment with each's SOUL through expediting our processes. It will always be more than our little human can handle, because the little human has to be surrendered to Highest Consciousness Existence where only Purity, Love and Unity exists. WE have to honor the cellular releasing/upgrading process as it occurs and return to Full Consciousness again.
These highly charged electrical impulses and circuitry systems that have been coming online for the last many years, within our Gaia and our Evolving Earthly Crystalline LightBodies that function on many variations of Super Quantum Light are constantly going in & out of different phases to synchronize constantly, to embody new Galactic Soul Codes. In and out of cycles, in and out of processes, in and out of different realities to anchor all new timelines here in our physical while the atomic structure of our bodies change and our molecular/cellular structure is constantly re-vamped, re-calibrated, re-tuned to vibrate, literally, every atom, molecule..... vibrating, shaking, zooming, shifting to communicated energetically in all new ways.....
WE vibrate in and out, higher/lower density as the body changes in gravity constantly now. Heavy/dense, activate, release. Light, happy, playful, heart-mind expanding, peaceful and free. Cosmic Frequencies shifting constantly to re-work the density/lightness of our bodies to bring all online more with the Crystalline Grid of Our NEW Earth......
Data, programs, holographic access, new codes, sequences, information, new processes..... not human, a little human or more human if we've got something to clear.... WE can maintain full consciousness while we cleanse cellular memory here...... It's not fun, but it is necessary for all of us and it is a huge part of our service for all of humanity here...
Simplify.... this is the message for May (and from this point on). Simplify everything. Your body/life is going it require it. Your nervous system being reworked with new circuitry that cannot handles the overloading. The human body/brain/system will short out. Everyone must honor when their body speaks, nurture their bodies, love their bodies back to pristine "health"....... for the 5th Dimension has no dis-ease or sick, those were encodments for each's human experience (human DNA) and to transcend this, each must choose to release the energy of those old programs (guild/blame/shame/victim/hurt/judgment/resistance/fight/survival/struggle, etc.) that is held deep inside. Each must choose to release the ENERGY of SEPARATION (other time) CONSCIOUSNESS and that anything is "outside" at all.....
"That time/story" about who did what to who (betrayal, lack of love, lack of respect, lack of integrity, lack of everything).... that is human separation and keeps each bound to those old realities that cause the body/each to suffer..... and the new vibrations won't "tolerate" this holding onto "other times" anymore....
As time collapses, for the human all speeds up. It will feel like there's not enough time anymore. This is because there isn't, for your existence is not in "time". Your existence is in NOW, where time ceases to exist. In this NOW, all you have is "this". Let it all go, let it fall away, bring YOURSELF into TOTAL PRESENCE....
OBSERVE what your head does, the stories, what's going on with you, how chaotic you are inside, how much YOU keep trying to "leave this moment" to keep all of those stories going..... This is your own Separation.... and until you are ready to totally let go of that which will collapse if you keep insisting on playing in unconscious realities, then you are the one that keeps re-creating a perception of real until the dis-illusion is gone.....
Simplify.... see what is no longer serving your highest-heart existence here. Simplify, cut the excess stuff out, let it go.... move on..... Simplify.... the details, the need to control, the need to keep complicating things with the way your human wants all. Simplify your whole life..... Highest existence is SIMPLE and PURE..... If it's not PURE, if it's not totally aligned with your own UNIVERSAL SOUL, then it's your separated, fearful, head-driven you.
PURE, no hidden agendas, no "just showing up" when you want something. PURE. SIMPLE. EASY. Pay attention to where you keep creating/allowing chaos, where you go unconscious/disconnect, where you get caught up in the stories/game playing, where you place your power in anything outside, instead of pulling away and going deep inside to listen/connect...... Where do you lack honor/integrity and UNITY inside..... ?
Your human will be faced with everything that you still hold inside. When you step back and disconnect from the external, you can connect with your inner-guidance system to align all yourself.....
Simplify, or these ultra-high, super stimulating electri-frying/electrifying charging frequencies will short your human body/brain/heart/spine/systems out. For the human, they overload. For us, they stimulate. Simplify. See where you complicate, see where your human's in the way, see where you go unconscious and why.....
These frequencies are over-stimulating all intentionally, to "faster" bring NEW Earth's Crystalline Gridwork fully online, continually....... When I use the words "new", I refer to Higher/Lighter Density Existence. It's only new to our human. It's the unknown to our human, yet very known by us. Much awaited, as Frequency Holders & Light/Grid Keepers, we've waited and worked hard for these highest timelines that are arriving/materializing/present now.
These ultra-high frequencies (and hard on our human bodies at times), require that we shift our own priorities constantly now. These are hugely amplifying and stimulating our Fully Conscious "NEW Earth" economy, relationships, lives and evolution here. There is nothing that is not touched by this. Extensive and intricate Atomic/Molecular make-up of physical matter taking form, all re-constructed and re-built fully on NEW Earth Value Systems that are PURE.
You/WE all require more "Me/WE/BE" time now. More alone time with nature, sleep, rest, relaxed, so that when we are able to "do", it's simpler.... we choose the simple way instead of trying to control/complicate everything like we use to..... trying to keep everything "like it was" before.....
Maintaining balance requires more inner-focus for what we all allow/feed our energy into. Creation from our Purest Source Light point inside and emanating out.... Inspiration, Joy and fulfilling our unity/supporting roles here. It's always about the bigger picture, not just "you".....
For awhile, it will have to be "all about you", for you are "reversing" your old unconscious ways of focusing on "everyone/everything" else.... (outside). Once/as you complete this cycle of loving yourself fully again, respecting you fully and realizing how much you do have to offer, utilizing all of your gifts, sharing to support (in every way), you will move into Intentional Full-Service to fulfill your own Soul's Purposes & Galactic Missions here. The more invested we are, the more we receive. The more we contribute, share, support and really truly committed from the depths of our own Souls, the easier all becomes for us....
This network of all of us DOING our NEW Earth realities, constantly stepping-up, constantly honoring ourselves, gives us the ability to MASTER ALL DIMENSIONS/TIMELINES/REALITIES here.... Through our own Embodiment processes, we no longer separate off or go small. We do not disconnect from Unity Consciousness, even when we need to pull away to re-calibrate/re-group..... We just shift how we are contributing in that moment, for if we are not honoring ourselves, we cannot honor anyone else......
The depths and expansiveness of our existences all culminating/unifying in "this space" that we exist in here, go so far beyond the actual physical experience. We experience all of our existences simultaneously now. And when they are a REMEMBERED STATE of FULL CONNECTION, we have a very different experience than when we used to go unconscious to cleanse & clear. We need not go unconscious for these processes.... As multi-dimensional we have the capability to MASTER multiple dimensions simultaneously here.
If you find yourself struggling to connect, close your eyes and go deep inside and just BE..... bring all to a halt, just sit until silence and peace returns inside and emanate this out... when you open your eyes, do it softly, unfocused and feel......... Let all that excess energy dissipate..... Stay there until "this is your new place" to move from.
If you find yourself with "too much energy", then still yourself inside and focus that energy, productively, intentionally on creation, inspiration and making a difference through transmitting your own light. All you touch, all you speak, all you do.... this effects all........ pay attention to what you are transmitting out from inside of you.
These upcoming shift are going to require each to slow down more, each to simplify more, each to really truly stay connected inside more and to open up fully, see the bigger picture and let the rest go.....
If you know that on a Soul Level that you are mean to do certain things, stop worrying about the "how or when", for those are separation of time and human programs.
Raise your vibration, of all of your bodies (mental, physical, emotional) and elevate your consciousness to SEE. Then when you have the energy/feel to, get up and go get busy. When you are not able, then honor your Physical (Light) Body's need to integrate higher light encodments and tuning processes that cause your body to go weak when it's time to anchor/integrate/hold more light in your own physical form here. Clear your field of consciousness for this to occur easily. What you allow physically in your field will affect this. You decide how to create a higher vibrational physical space for this to occur easier for you. ♥
Get ready for more of everything.... Whatever you allow/focus on, this is what you keep bringing into your physical reality through your own un/consciousness here. ♥
Keep it simple. Choose to stop allowing your mind to complicate things. Observe where your mind (thought energy) keeps things "the old way", keeps things going, keeps your body tense and in resistance/struggle mode. Open up your heart-mind-energy further and YOU SHIFT shift intentionally to ease, peace, unity (easy) and purity/love inside....
I love you. In-joy the magic that our highest existences bring us all, as we are truly ready and fully on-board. ♦
Lisa Transcendence Brown