maandag 18 december 2023

With love to all…Amanda Lorence

With love to all…
When you seek to reunite with God this lifetime, the journey is going to feel hard (at least for the human avatar inside it’s own programme). We seemingly fall again and again. Then self realise within. And so it goes on, again and again, on the path to Self Realisation. Dissolving and surrendering what we think and believe within our own personality human avatar unique programme, we gain more…of what we always have been all along.
Heavy human avatar burdens lift, more and more, as we experience more of the weightlessness of our consciousness.
And your inner quiet, unspoken, unlimited courage keeps you going, one step at a time.
The open mind that does not put thoughts, words and beliefs into newer mind made boxes, allows for the ‘not clinging’ to any newer knowledge. For even more knowledge in higher and higher octaves will supersede knowledge, and so leads to even more not knowing. As you simultaneously seem to move further and further ‘away’ from the holographic illusions, of identifications, of a solid world and the physical human body. And away, outside of universal worlds within the Labyrinth. We become more and more immersed as ENERGY. For our consciousness is energy of frequencies.
It is by utter faith, you walk, because you KNOW, there is only God, to reunite with…as consciousness, outside of the body, this lifetime. To become that whislt living. Give of God’s Will, not of human Will of the human avatar programme and body. If this is your path this lifetime, this beautiful song may resonate for you as your journey.
With endless love, deep honour and the deepest of loving understanding.
18 December 2023
(It was my ‘Wake-Up Tune’ from yesterday)