zondag 17 december 2023

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

It is most important in the next days and weeks to make time to be quiet and still and to ask to be prepared on soul and all levels for 2024, which is a crucial year of immense changes, as the ascension process accelerates.

All the navigational tools you need are within yourself and amplified by the Divinity within your own soul as one with your monad and All That Is.

We are being lifted into the higher soul self, where our inner Suns unite with the Illumined Suns beyond Suns and where all which has been encoded in our 12 and 24 DNA strands are being fully activated with the keys and codes of Illumination and sacred geometries of the Metatron's cube, encoded within the Suns beyond Suns.

It is vital to go deeper within and to shut out all outside disturbances and frenetic attemps to distract.

More than this vital keys and codes from the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Sacred knowledge are being downloaded to prepare us for the Golden Age of Love and Unity in ways we cannot even comprehend right now.
Quiet time, connecting with nature is vital, yet also grounding all of this firmly into Mother Earth. It is vital.

Judith Kusel
PHoto:Galactic Federation of Light