Please just peacefully take what resonates for you, and discard the rest. Thank you COLOUR + NUMBER + OBJECT: In 1987 the year of the Harmonic Convergence, I suddenly knew data/information, about colours, numbers and objects, hidden data, of the physical solid particle plane of matter. When you are PRESENT as only Consciousness, to a colour + an object + a number, you receive utterly different data. It’s like the three combine to create NEW DATA like a sentence of information from consciousness.
That is totally different to the meanings human beings give to individual colours, objects and numbers. So, at higher states of consciousness, LIGHT DATA that is KNOWLEDGE, can be revealed via the solid worldly phenomena. But awareness not to use the human mind to imagine and think meanings, but to just allow the third eye and only CONSCIOUSNESS to deliver to you the information your brain then ONLY receives. This relates to below information shared.
LEARNING DREAM 20 DECEMBER 2023: I was shown an archway. I knew it was a gateway, presented to be entered. Ornate metal signage letters above the arch showed the entry criteria. Love. To be, Love. To enter. SOLSTICE LEARNING DREAM 21 DECEMBER 2023: I was shown a Golden Sun. Then seven rays of blue light streamed out of the Sun to the Earth. Exactly like Sun rays only that all rays were Blue Rays. In the learning dream I heard myself say “Wowwww!”. In this context, of the Golden Sun and the seven rays that were all blue streams of light, I knew whilst within the dream, experiencing the Dream, it related to a LIGHT gift to all from Jesus. Jesus (the human) is associated with BLUE (at least within my own inner teachings). Yet the Christed state Jesus attained is of Gold. Yet blue, gold and any colour for that matter, has many different meanings dependent on the object plus a number). As a side note: I personally never look to books about numbers or colour meanings.I just allow my consciousness to slowly over the years give DATA that develops INNER KNOWLEDGE or INSTRUCTIONS to this human vessel. It’s a harder way but worth it, to rely just on UNEXPECTED and INNER DATA received, with no human mind thought manipulations, in these times and times ahead. For what has meaning to you, whether of colours, objects, numbers or Learning Dreams, is given to you directly and uniquely based on your path’s style and human avatar personality ‘styling’. Learning Dream is drawn visually below. Although not the first Learning Dream or first data received relating to Jesus, it is shared today as significant to this Solstice 2023. I am aware it is also related to 2024, and this longer ‘Tribulation’ timeline the collective is currently within and shall remain in for some more linear time. I then woke up at 9.22 (note the 22) to a Wake-Up Tune entitled “I Will Follow You”, that was given to relate to this Learning Dream (about Jesus and the times to come). What a hoot that song is!! As I didn’t even know that song!!!! Back to the Learning Dreams… If not listened to already, I can not recommend enough to listen carefully to the intricate information of the recent video I shared by Magenta Pixie (Petra McGuire-Saunders). She speaks in detail in her own style presentation, of the Blue Star Fire (which is LIGHT), the Blue Bridge (which is LIGHT FIRMAMENT to go beyond) and the Blue Rose (baring in mind that Jesus is associated with both the esoteric Rose and the colour ray of Blue. Magenta’s video depicts the Solstice Gateway, as did the Learning Dreams of the Archway (20th) and this morning’s Learning Dream (21st) of the seven Blue Light Rays gifted from the Sun. Yet we still have the 22nd…to reveal.
These days after 22nd are like an INNER passageway until 02 January 2024. It can feel unknown again. When after 02 January, more knowledge opens up within YOU, about YOUR Solstice Passageway. Magenta’s VĂdeo Link below: With so much Love on Solstice to everyone in the world, and to those who have left us to be lovingly watching over us from the higher planes. Amanda Lorence 21 December 2023