woensdag 15 november 2023

When there is no self IDENTITY ~ Amanda Lorence

When there is no self IDENTITY, there is no identifying. Therefore there is no identifying anything, or anyone.

In that state of Presence there is no other anything. There is no subject, no object, no person separate to you to identify, critique, label or indeed judge. As consciousness, no names, labels, or beliefs exist. No me, no you, no him, no her. There is NO identification WHEN your OWN identity dissolves. Spiritual ideas and beliefs dissolve, so no longer exist. No ideas of ‘I Am’…for in that state as Presence immersed as, there just IS. There is no separation of any thing. There is no programming. There is just being. There is only the all experienced as ONLY one. There are no separate parts.

HUMAN IDENTITY is part of the illusionary experience within the holographic dream. Creating seemingly separate parts that have a temporary experience of separation. Subject versus object. Programming that creates the human avatar self as a seemingly separated subject, creates an EFFECT, of any object or human being, being seemingly separate to you. Separate subjects (identities) versus objects, sustains the duality. Separates lives. Separate people. Separate thoughts. Separate aspects such as Galactic aspects consciousness creates, which are within more holographic games within God’s Labyrinth. The illusion of separate solid planets, a solid sun, stars, universes, galaxies, all seemingly solid, yet only solid as a frequency state of the consciousness perceiving. All creation is within DUALITY, the Labyrinth God created as IT’s playground of MANY holographic games (dreamings) made of vast complexities of Light and Vibration, at MANY octaves of frequencies. Throw into duality, the illusion of TIME as a linear reality experience, for a solid form human avatar within its own unique programming (story to for-fill) and we experience a JOURNEY, of raising of frequency, gaining more and more consciousness, back to, into, God and a God Conscious awareness state. That in truth none of ‘us’ have ever left.
When the gradual dissolving of the human avatar IDENTITY occurs, at each one’s stage of return, what is lost?
Only the letting go of all illusions, the veil is lifted. The true freedom of being FREE of suffering. Free of creating more karma for the human avatar to experience this lifetime. Free of cycling .
What is gained is everything of truest value. That value not being of any temporary solid matter nature or temporary human lifetime experience.
What is gained is unseen yet consciously experienced within. Consciousness as IT’s one and only eternal state. Yet aware and within The Holy Trinity that creates all, from the THREE ‘elements/parts’ of ITSelf that is ONE. The three parts having different labels in different cultures yet as example are: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit OR another term for the same is known as Sanchitanda. Where as that Consciousness, there is only God, aware all is consciousness creating illusional dreamings (creations). Where the living, emptied human vessel is God’s alone, to birth IT’s new Creations through. Where the seeing of all, is consciously seeing and experiencing only ONE. Through the Eternal Peace, Bliss and Love IT is.
The gradual dissolving of the human avatar identity and other aspect identities (as a path stage) is not a loss. We lose the programme. Everything you seemingly lost and awakened (within the programming) to then search for, as a journey, is found. It becomes you. It never left. All was just a dream.
With Love
(not even a name makes any sense)
15 November 2023