If too long, no need to read. I share only in case this supports but one being on their journey.
Together, worldwide, three years ago, we brought in, anchored thus laid the foundations of the energetic blueprint of the HOLY TRINITY. Another way of saying this, is that in conscious awareness, we sowed the seeds (energetic foundations), for a ‘future’ timeline, to come, when at PERFECT DIVINE TIMING, the Holy Trinity is, CONSCIOUSLY journeyed INTO. The symbology used on the Heart Chakra (The Tor, Glastonbury), on 8th November 2020 (see below images from that date), was that of the Holy Trinity.
To just explain: That prior to being Consciousness, within the JOURNEYING that is WITHIN the Holy Trinity, we experience what seems to be THREE separate STAGES of Embodiment. Three FREQUENCIES we ALIGN to, at separated stages of our embodiment. In previous posts since 2018, I have explained in written posts and videos about the:
1] The alignment to God’s ESSENCE, felt within initially, worked with, then experienced externally hidden within matter. Given out, from within you (God the Creator).
2] The alignment to the INVITATION given by The Christ to find and align to (the Christed frequency).
3] The alignment to the Holy Spirit (the ether, prana, unmanifested energy that pervades The All That Is)
In this ‘humanness’ for the Human Avatar, experiencing WITHIN the illusion of ‘Time’, it appears it takes time for us to align to EACH of those frequencies, to embody as three seemingly separate parts. Embodying each of the three as separated stages, seems to allow the Human Avatar ‘time’ to get accustomed to each type of ENERGY FREQUENCY. Work with each, explore within each separately, understand them as ACTUAL experience (not academic), thus the KNOWING of them. After some linear time being with each of the three seemingly separate frequencies allows the evolving consciousness experienced by the Human Avatar, time. For what was unknown, becomes known, seems at first difficult to maintain, then is EASY to maintain the more we choose it, become it. All because we get used to being IN and OF each DIFFERENT frequency separately. It is by being IN a frequency, we become knowledgable, as the KNOWER actually experiencing a frequency. Any frequency.
The Father/Son/Holy Spirit (just labels but many terms for the same):
After the three seemingly separate frequency’s/elements/qualities are separately embodied, there is a TRANSITORY PASSAGEWAY within the Holy Trinity ItSelf. This potential is NOW OPEN and stays OPEN. To now, as individual facets of Consciousness, be consciously traversing INSIDE of the Holy Trinity. This is the NOW POTENTIAL that is now, this year. It is a journey (within linear time). The actual journeying is beyond the Labyrinth, so beyond all words, images, imaginations, or sounds. As Consciousness within the Trinity, there is NO separation between ‘you’, the Trinity and the journey. It is just experienced as One.
The actual consciousness facet journeying, via the invitation of the Christed Frequency, leads to the AWAKE, AWARE and CONSCIOUS Divine Union between your consciousness facet and God. In many cultures of spiritual or religious teachings of many styles, this IS the SAME; the sacred marriage. The divine wedding. Between ‘you’ (there is no you) and God.
Remember everything (literally everything), is multi-layered, based on layers of FREQUENCY. Attaining higher and higher frequencies opens up sight, hearing, light knowledge and MORE consciousness. Within and also outside of the illusion of Time. After the ENERGETIC Divine Union has occurred, the physical human avatar will go on to experience another CHANGE in CONSCIOUSNESS. Easily allowing, all multi-dimensionality it experiences, all at the same one time. To try and explain what is hard to give linear words to:
1] The human avatar will be seen as a person, or a being of light. DEPENDENT on the consciousness LEVEL of each and every individual human being outside of itself.
2] The human avatar retains some parts of it’s avatar’s personality.
3] But the human avatar is experiencing itself, as ENERGY, it’s Consciousness, OUTSIDE of the physical BODY. It sees it’s avatar body, can operate it, can talk through it etc, but simultaneously it is NOT the BODY, but Consciousness OUTSIDE of the BODY. The body is an instrument.
The above points 1 to 3 are explaining typical ways of daily being for the ascended. As the Consciousness Facet IS God Realised, it is aware of God in all moments within and without. Serving God, as God Wills. Ascended beings retaining their physical avatar body here on Earth, will GIVE at the will of God, and the Will of the Christ. These will be the ‘new’ abilities to come, that I have written about in many previous posts over the years. Where the human vessel becomes EMPTY in many many moments, for God, The Christ and the Holy Spirit to GIVE THROUGH the avatar’s vessel, as DIVINELY ordained in ANY one moment.
There are, all around the world, many names and labels for the three parts of the HOLY TRINITY. Yet they all mean the same. There is in truth not even three parts to the Trinity. For the THREE, is actually ONE. And we become once more, the awakened, RE-MEMBERED Consciousness… aligned, in Union, wedded to the Eternal ONE.
Please only take what resonates, and simply in your peace, ignore if it doesn’t. The Journeying WITHIN the Holy Trinity takes ‘linear time’, for us. So just allow and absorb and receive. There is no rush. And to remember, there is NO TRY. Try is the force of the human avatar ego. There is only the surrendering again and again… with self honesty, that brings Eternal Peace, and then…Eternal Freedom found.
(Photos from the Tor 8 Nov 2020, laying the foundations together. Both symbols mean the same…The Holy Trinity)