Of all that you thought you were. And think you are. A very natural stage, so not the mind deciding or forcing…
The letting go of the story, the life lived so far, the individual dream, the human avatar identity, and the desires the IDENTITY desires for itself within all illusion, and the end of identifying scenes and objects the IDENTITY perceives and gives meaning to, leads to the absolute knowing that:
Your Body, is God’s alone.
Your Sacred Divine Energy, that has MANY octaves to EMBODY, is God’s alone.
There is an embodiment STAGE where ANOINTING occurs. Outside of space, time and all universal and dimensional phenomena.
To help explain this ‘Anointing’ I just share again what the The Holy Trinity consists of.
The Unchanging ABSOLUTE, the Godhead, created of ITSelf, It’s Holy Trinity of ITSELF, that is:
1) God the Creator of All
2) It’s Holy Spirit
3) It’s Christed Aware State (of ItSelf)
As Conscious Presence, within The Holy Trinity embodiment STAGE, an Anointment occurs:
By The Holy Spirit (2).
An Anointment created and ordained by God the Creator (1).
Invited by the Witness that is It’s Christed mindful awareness (3).
This occurs within ‘Your’ awareness being ONE, INSIDE The Holy Trinity and it’s Stage. A stage of embodiment beyond all sound, images, thoughts and ANY univsersal phenomena.
The anointing is OF the sacred and unseen ‘Holy Waters’ that is God’s Holy Spirit Energy ‘Ocean’ prior to all of IT’s manifestations. It’s HOLY SPIRIT anoints the whole of ‘you’. But there is no ‘you’ in the experience. As you are Consciousness in the only One Presence.
Just as it is hard to explain in human linear language words, that The unchanging ABSOLUTE, is also simultaneously THREE parts of ItSelf that are able to create all of creation. It is also extremely difficult to articulate The Anointing by The Holy Spirit. Because in that awareness, there is no ‘you’. No existence of words or languages. No human state. No human body. No universal. You are immersed in the ENERGY state of Pure Awareness. Whether your physical eyes are open or closed. it is not a meditation, It happens TO ‘you’ throughout your day and days over some linear time. There is no try. It just happens. You are aware it is happening as your conscious state is in The Presence.
As Presence, within Presence where there is only One Presence.
In linear times to come for humanity:
In devotional Service to God the Creator (1) at the moments God will’s it, people around the world will give OF the embodied Holy Spirit (2), in alert Conscious Awareness (3), fully aware of God’s intentions, through their mind and vessel.
Please just take what resonates for you, and just discard if it doesn’t. This was a difficult post to explain in linear words, what is NOT of words.
As a reminder to newcomers here, this is not a channeling. I share as I experience the stages, as a way to support and help you recognise your embodiment stages in this modern era. So that you don’t feel ever alone. As we are doing this together, as Love, throughout this world