The Last Ten Days have brought such a significant change to your system and reality.
Today, the winds of change are moving in to clear out anything old that you've been holding on to.
It's time. You might call it a "Walk of Faith," but the faith needs to be in yourself.
You've been growing and expanding in your energies, understandings and abilities.
Now, it's time to trust in you. Trust what you're feeling, how you're feeling, and allow everything on your journey to let itself be known.
You are a starseeds that has awoken from your dream of humanity.
It's time to fully wake up to the reality of YOU.
No one can do this for you, only YOU truly know your truths, no one else.
It's time to stop looking to other outlets, influencers, social media, YouTube, for your answers.
It's time to stop looking outside of yourself and to go inside.
Dig deep and find out all the amazing changes that have happened to you.
Who you are and what's next for your Starseed Journey.
Because it's time for us all to awaken, walking arm and arm into the Golden Age.
You are ready, Divine One, and just perfectly on time for all that is about to occur!
Much love and light,
-SA Smith