SCHUMANN RESONANCE DOWN AGAIN. Have you noticed when things are getting interesting in the energies, it conveniently goes offline?
No coincidences here, Divine Ones.
The Solar tools in this reality don't truly show the truth of this time.
You register the energies coming in and understand their levels and how they make you feel.
Today, you have Solar Winds pushing in and rising through the day.
Flux Energies will be more mild than we've experienced in a while.
It's more Bliss than intense.
You have been walking this path so long, it's nice to have a day like today.
Big high vibrational energies floating in.
Helping you to release any last things that may bubble to the surface to be seen.
Or just wrap up in the bigger energies and walk in the Bliss.
Whatever you choose today, it is yours.
Just please remember how important you truly are.
You are the reason that the world is transcending. You are the energy behind the change.
Blaze your light high and bright and don't be afraid to show them who you truly are.
You are Source in a body having a dream of humanity and it is time to Wake Up!
Have a magical day amazing one!
Much love and light,
-SA Smith