We have ancient energies pouring in that have never been on this planet before.
These started yesterday and will continue through the day.
Take a moment to stop today and feel into them. There is Bliss and Love within them for you.
Then we have more transient plasma coming in from CME'S hitting around the planet.
The Solar Winds are picking up those transient CME'S and bringing them into the planet.
Solar Storms are possible today.
The energies are pushing your abilities and knowings higher and expanding you in all new ways.
It's a day made just for YOU!
Anything is possible now with you and these energies.
What are you going to do with them?
Everything is coming together for the next leg of the Starseed journey.
Enjoy every moment, and claim your day.
You can do absolutely ANYTHING you believe you can!
Much love and light,
-SA Smith