Cosmic Frequency News 18 October 2023 – The Continual Build-Up Of Eclipse Season – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali
An “Eclipse Season” begins when our Sun moves into the sign that it will eclipse in, and on September 23rd when our Sun moved into Tropical Libra was the beginning of the current “Eclipse Season”.
As we know, there was a “Solar Eclipse” on October 14th in Tropical Libra, and there will be a “Lunar Eclipse” in Tropical Taurus on October 28th.
A complete “Eclipse Season” lasts for about six months because that is the time frame in which events of the eclipse messages tend to play-out.
However, as mentioned in an earlier article, ancient information is that according to how long a “Solar Eclipse” lasts in minutes, that is how many years that its messages will manifest, and according to how many minutes a “Lunar Eclipse” lasts in minutes is how many months its messages will manifest.
Both concepts are likely accurate based upon levels of human consciousness in particular eras — especially as the Nodal Axis constantly shifts over time and as various other planetary angles and degrees occur.
Whatever the time frame is for eclipses to have their “Cosmic Theatre” productions — the portal itself (from “Solar Eclipse” to “Lunar Eclipse” — about a two-week period)— they always heighten human physical, mental, and emotional sensations as well as the swirls and surges in and on the Earth. They also provide greater “invitations” for HIGHER KNOWLEDGE to be received.
Now that more information is being researched about “Pulsars”—especially “Pulsar Vela”—it is realized that they too cause continual planetary activations as their extremely powerful LIGHT pulsates throughout the galaxy affecting our Sun’s flaring, CMEs, and other solar energetics.
Today, Wednesday, 10/18/2023, solar winds are elevating thus far slightly above 400 km/s, and the magnetosphere is building in positively-charging densely populated protons that are coming from outside of our solar system.
There are thousands of “Pulsars” in our galaxy, but “Pulsar Vela” is so far the one that is surging most intently with high-powered gamma radiation.
The sounds of Pulsars can be detected, and “Pulsar Vela” sounds like the deep beating of drums—its obvious “heartbeat”—strangely similar to how human heartbeats sound rhythmically or sometimes out of seeming normal rhythm.
Often the out -of -rhythm of the heart is when it is being re-aligned or re-calibrated to the cosmic energetics.
Yet, most people do not understand this, and they become alarmed at a seeming out-of-rhythm tone, and then rush to an emergency room where a procedure is done to give the heart a humanly understood “normal” rhythm, which if it is not in-tune to the cosmos, is actually an “abnormal” rhythm. We must remember that we are ENERGY IN FORM, and our “form” is changing to match the ENERGY OF THE COSMOS.
It will take a considerable while for humanity to fully understand what is occurring in its physicality, so therefore, the current medical establishment will continue to make lots of money by labeling so-called “abnormalities” and developing pills, injections, and other procedures for them. Mankind thus has far to go in its true connection to SOURCE FREQUENCY.
Collective human consciousness is still quite low spiritually and intellectually.
Mainstream science states that a Pulsar needs to be about 650 light years from Earth in order to affect it in any significant manner, and “Pulsar Vela” is approximately a long 1000 light years away from our planet.