vrijdag 11 augustus 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

Only when the ‘state’ dissolves all aspects of individualised self identity (human, planetary, galactic, universal), can a being see, FEEL, experience, thus CONSCIOUSLY KNOW, and then Live, consciously, of God.
In that living state, there is no arising thought of ‘I’ or ‘I Am’. There is the absence of all concepts. You live and BE before ALL concepts. Within the Eternal Peace of God, you witness the created individualisms that consciousness brings forth within Earth, Universes, Spaces. Yet YOUR experience is through a state of God’s Grace. IT’s Eternal Peace. IT’s innocence of ItSelf. Feeling God everywhere, inside and out, and emanating God’s Divine Love.
Whether in solitary quietness, in spoken language or activity, IT’s conscious Presence becomes YOUR conscious Awareness. Both become One. IT emits IT’s energy in and through your vessel. Beyond all mind definition, this OCTAVE is only FELT. To receive, and GIVE of IT…Out. This receiving and then giving…is the natural nature and abiding flow that is God.
With Love
11 August 2023