Amplified within this CURRENT incoming energy, yet accessible before, during and after this Passageway…
If you listen, to the loud ringing sound you can hear…there are actually MANY octaves, many different frequencies of ‘ringing’ sounds to hear. When you focus INWARDLY you can hear many frequencies. You can learn to differentiate between the various tonal sounds. Yet even though we can hear many tones, it depends at which OCTAVE we as consciousness hear from. By choice, we can merge inside of any frequency within the tonal sounds we are currently hearing. Allow them to become known and felt from BEING STATE. By letting go of your own identity as a person. Become IN and OF the sound frequency chosen to immerse in and as. At that point, you loose Self identity WITHIN a frequency of Sound. You BECOME AWARE you ARE that sound. But when tonal sounds are heard all together, as just one sound of hearing to the ears it’s felt as ‘loud’. Yet it’s many frequency notes together all at once.
It’s the same with energy vibrations felt from the sun or cosmos. The more you give focus to ONE particular pattern and vibration within you, the more you can differenciate between the actual ‘landing’ energetics delivered and any Pre-Wave energies felt within prior to their arrival within Earth’s Field. Through choice, you can become your own SELF navigator and discerner in every moment, you’re own tool, of all and any incoming energy frequencies.
Also by inward energy focus, we can differentiate between sun / cosmos Eanergy ACTIVITY and the ACTUAL ENERGIES you feel as vibrations and patterns within as your OWN physical brain and body adaptation process. To becoming far more energy sensitive. Which in turn increases our consciousness. Our ability to interpret higher wavelengths of hertz, and feel consciously connected to ALL. So we can internally learn the difference of what is Sun/Cosmos energy, and what is our OWN body, brain IN IT’s individualised process of becoming more ‘switched on’ into and as our fuller consciousness. Which alters, how we perceive everything. And how we interact with everything. Where no longer do we perceive things as outside of us or separated from us.
The more we focus inward on vibrations, which are energy at variable frequencies, the more we are able to discern the muliple LAYERS and OCTAVES of energy unseen, unheard, or not felt. Both inside of us and outside in the cinematic solid particle illusion made of LIGHT and VIBRATION. We become the master of energy. At will. Accessing higher and higher frequencies. Able to tune in to multiple frequencies at multiple levels. It is FREQUENCY that determines our state of consciousness and how we view, think and interpret anything about ‘REALITIES’. Gradually as our brain expands we learn we can change our own frequency at will. Become one with all energy and all frequencies. Within and without. This process is speeding up for ALL. As the frequency spin for humanity collective has speeded up. Unawakened will evolve far faster than we did. And I love that as I love them dearly as part of me. Some experience as Light Body FIRST, before their humanness. Where the human body is almost like a suspended state of a physical vessel INSIDE Light Body.
Are these high pitched and variable sounds coming into you from the Sun?
1] It may seem so.
2] Or they may not be heard.
3] Or they are known as already part of you. Coming from you. Interactive WITH you if you choose. Then there isn’t, in that state of merge into any energy, a separate Sun; or separate colour or separate bird, or separate anything in the sense that you become One INSIDE of anything and everything.
In truth, nothing is happening to you. Its coming from you. From your Consciousness. Ultimately…from God’s Consciousness. That you embody a state of, and come from, in your state of awareness. Then you know, feel, be that emanation. FROM WITHIN FIRST as a state of BEING, experiencing.
One night in 2017, I was woken up from sleep and told to stand on my bed and look up. I stood looking out of my caravan skylight window in the middle of the night (as you do ) and saw the stars. I could see a known constellation, known in humanities perception as Orion. One star began to slowly move position. I thought it must be an aeroplane moving. Until another, then another and then another star moved slowly out of their positions. Utterly and completely the constellation of Orión was rearranged into a NEW formation. I knew I was being taught, to understand beyond solidity. From that moment I often said to myself as my own inner teaching “If the Sky was not there, what would you see”. You see it is consciousness ITSelf, that creates the sky, the stars, and our Sun, as solid particles of Light. Yet that is only one LAYER of God’s creation. The sky is like the backdrop that seemingly confined our consciousness based on the dominant human senses and brain’s ability to interpret wavelengths of data. Until we inwardly in our OWN way, come out of that state, and allow ourselves to fly free.
Everything is coming from us. Onto a screen. In separation, we identify things which in turn ONLY ADDS to and SUPPORTS our seemingly separated state. We identify our own self as separate. And others as separate to us. Until our consciousness changes. And we FEEL FIRST FROM WITHIN an altered state of consciousness. When we stay with FEELING, pursue FEELING in our own unique ways, slowly, everything begins to be IMMERSED INTO MORE DEEPLY and is seen, felt, heard, touched, as a part of us. Another ‘world’ is seen that was there all along, hidden in plain sight BY OUR OWN FREQUENCY STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. We become once more connected to everything, in every way, including WITH the beauty of our primary and beautiful human senses. IN the new way of LIVING a every day, we are connected through our LOVE STATE OF BEINGNESS that emanates WITHIN US. Also via our opened third eye and higher state of consciousness that allows us to connect deeply THROUGH DEEPER FEELING. All is truly connected, not separate in this state. We are IMMERSED inside of the ONE. As the One. It was always only ONE. That is everywhere. And we interact from that state of BEING we evolve back to.