zondag 4 juni 2023

TRUE YOU ~ Re-Post from this day on 4 June 2021 ~ Amanda Lorence

A Re-Post from this day on 4 June 2021

💜💛💚 TRUE YOU Amidst EVERY single thought, there is LOVE waiting to be chosen. Amidst EVERY single action, lies the presence of LOVE waiting to be expressed in ACTION. Amidst EVERY single human feeling, LOVE awaits the HUMAN, to choose and sustain LOVE again and again. To CHOOSE to FEEL, BE...LOVE. The human personality in it’s own MIND, will justify any thoughts that focus on a lack of Love. The human personality immersed in MIND, always holds the inner hidden POWER of WILL, that creates it’s Choices and STEPS, one after the other.

When LOVE is chosen, again and again, via the human’s individualised WILL POWER, expansion of consciousness occurs. Everything is an energy frequency. When lack of LOVE is chosen, again and again, via the human’s individualised WILL POWER, CONTRACTION occurs. Everything is an energy frequency. LOVE is LOVE. LOVE is ENERGY FREQUENCY at various OCTAVES (vibrations). The highest obtainable OCTAVE attainable with a living human body, is the Love that can be labelled, “THE GREATER LOVE”. It is a non polarised OCTAVE, the energy frequency of the SOUL, merged with the human’s consciously aware State. This GREATER octave we call or label as “The Greater Love” IS ENERGY. Is the purest attainable form of energy of the Divine Creator. When attained, the human is conscious of the divinity within itself and without. The Divine is awakened (again) within the human. The Divine is aware of ITSelf as Self Realised, consciously, within the human, as both parts meet, as ONE. ONE LOVE is not just a human phrase. It’s the ultimate truth of ALL LOVE as opposed to individualised and separated Love. Divided Love is just an experience of judging or observing ‘this’ against ‘that’ and choosing which to give Love to, not to give Love to. Until, LOVE becomes the only answer, the beginning that never began, and the end that didn’t exist. The CONSCIOUS ever presence energy ESSENCE of GOD/SOURCE/CREATOR, experienced through YOU and you and you. The road is simple and available to everyone. The story, focal points, and beliefs are just the experience each take to get them there. To take those that choose it, to experience God’s Self realisation through their human. Every human is made of the Divine and has this choice: 1) To allow the human mind to be and stay OPEN, thus not limiting. 2) To allow the heart to expand YOU, through their choice to be Love. 3) To sustain your WILL (Power) again and again. This creates. To sustain a Free Will choice, to FEEL LOVE, through every thought, word and action. Where LOVE is sustained again and again, as it holds the KEY for each to become consciously God Aware WITHIN. Where in every waking moment, there then, is no escaping God, within and without in all creation. Where there isn’t the repeated experience of becoming lost within many a thought of the human personality mind. A MIND of human thoughts, does NOT feel LOVE. The HEART feels LOVE and so is the Gateway to the Greater Consciousness that IS. Let thy heart lead you in it’s open infinite nature that it always was. Each heart NEVER closed, each heart is NOT padlocked. Only the human personality mind closes off from it’s own heart. The door was/is always open for all. And shall always be... Let thy own mind SIMPLIFY...in it’s easy allowing...of God’s LOVE to BE known. Through YOU. With Love, Amanda Lorence 04 June 2021