Has anyone noticed how the Lightbody upgrade process has gone from “an experience here, an experience there” to one continuous “It seems like something is ALWAYS happening”?
What used to be “normal with small bouts of transformation” has become “transformation with small bouts of normal”?
Experiences that used to happen ONCE in a while are now happening pretty much ALL THE TIME ... Seeing an orb here or an etheric animal there or purging/releasing collective energies or feeling weird or lollapalooza crown chakra sensations or phenomenal high energy or a HOT/COLD event; mind, heart, and soul expansions, bursts of creativity, knowledge downloads, moments of unity consciousness, expanding awareness; cross-dimensional taps-on-the-head, glimpses of deceased loved ones; feeling grids around the body or a love bliss-out or receiving light language or a dream-visit to other worlds or a dozen other transformation-y kind of events happening pretty much ALL THE TIME now? Like, life has become a streaming 24/7 Transformation Event?
We’re not just watching an occasional episode of “This Is Your Transforming Life,” we’re BINGE-BEING the entire Transformation Channel line-up — cast, cameras, action, and audience.
The Transformation Spigot has been turned on full. The New Normal, 24/7.
YAY us!!
“The only way to make
sense out of change
is to plunge into it,
move with it,
and join the dance.”
~ Alan Watts
“The ultimate objective
of taking up a spiritual journey
is to metamorphose
into a Divine Being.”
~ Sw. Krishnananda
Image: ©Julia Watkins 2010
© Pat Donworth 2019, 2021, 2023