vrijdag 2 juni 2023

Energy update: The new positive vibes are coming in ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy update: The new positive vibes are coming in
The months of April and May were very intense for the forerunner starseeds and lightworkers.
We have been guided and pushed hard to let go of more old stuff of the past to clear, we have done all this for the collective too, that is why it was so tough for all of us.
We needed to make room for a higher state of living on higher vibration of unity love receiving more abundance, and connecting with more real soul family and beloveds.
Change is here, the month of June is full of divine blessings for all to break free and step into the new world fully and more grounded.
Powerful full moon tomorrow and 6-6 cosmic portal energies coming in already.
The new positive vibes are finally starting to come in.
Happy Shift To All
Love & Light Blessings
David Alexander Lightfoot