donderdag 1 juni 2023

Contractions ~ Morgan Lee

It’s just contractions
Focus on the gift, the birth
Rather than the discomfort of the labor
Which can feel like death , each time a new contraction comes
All we need do is breathe , pause
And move into
The next contraction
As each fractal becomes one wave
We align with this new rythmn
Of oneness
I had 18 women
Wear a red string around their wrists
And share my pregnancy , all of the symptoms of pregnancy and birth, and my labor lasted one hour .
9 months , they stayed , and they each experienced, “their contracts , agreed upon hours, each day, their service to creation “ , the gestation , to consciously unify the birth . They each made the arrival , the making , the creation a United experience of oneness .
This is our power . This is the unified grid .
Each beloved sister , sharing consciously my experience of creation, bringing it into one mind, one heart , one contraction .
Together we can do anything , with ease , with grace , in the energy of oneness
What happens , when we consciously enter this field of oneness , we’ll the contractions become a unified field , and the human pain lessens .
We can do this , we are doing this
And we are not alone . We are everything ,
And as one ! When we remember that we are the ocean , as well as the drop we align
With that frequency .
The roles of the expectant father , birthing mother and the golden child soon to be birthed , as one
A code arriving through each individual factual, of non separation
A leap into oneness , individuality and these two frequencies merged as one , are code of new creation
I am , that, I am