Please ONLY take what resonates and discard the rest. I share only in case it helps you .
The below, is succinct information that directly relates to my recent video about SOUL MISSION 1 and SOUL MISSION 2, and relates to the recent WAYSHOWERS post dated 18 April 2023 about BEING Light Body, and also the post dated 22 March 2023 of the LIGHT NODE activation for the Collective…
This activated Light Node opened, became available to the Collective. It’s made of Layers of Patterned Light within the Light Node that IS a PARTICULAR FREQUENCY. It remains open, for anyone to match frequency to. This Light Node, was the long awaited arrival of the Light Layer, of the CHRISTED FREQUENCY. So the LIGHT LAYER has been birthed.
We are doing this as a Collective Humanity. It birthed a collective Timeline. Whilst it is available to MATCH, and ALIGN to within each one’s frequency, nearly 8 billion are having their OWN JOURNEY, own souls missions, within their very OWN unique timeline. So for clarity:
No. People will match it in their very own timeline. Based on their own Lighted Design this lifetime. If they complete their Soul Mission 1 whilst RETAINING the physical body, they will match the Light Node and start their Soul Mission 2.
No. Stage 2 on 22 March, was the BIRTHING, so EARLY stages, of an attainable state. In the way that I explain below, THEY have LEFT, yet have simultaneously come BACK. They did NOT EXIT the body to LEAVE, as a usual transition. Some people all over this world, have matched their frequency alignment to this Light Node FREQUENCY, and will be on their EARLY STAGES of their Soul Mission 2. They grow into it. Just like a child grows. They will ALREADY KNOW what their Soul Mission 2 is, they have retained that memory. They will know THEIR OWN purpose of Soul Mission 2. They will also KNOW from within them, what extraordinary gifts they WILL grow into. That they will SERVE GOD by. These are not any gifts available at the frequency of 3D, 4D or 5D. But some gifts they already had, may EXPAND into the extraordinary. NEW HUMAN abilities to come forth into this Era. These people will NOT REQUIRE ANY outer guidance or advice for their walking of their Soul Mission 2. It’s internal KNOWING, internal guidance. They will NOT SERVE via Personality Choice, but through INNER alignment via their Light Body, to The Christ of the Casual Plane. They are NOW their LIGHT BODY first, which has no physical brain. They operate and navigate via LIGHT and VIBRATION. Less dominant is their HUMAN physical body and human linear mind system. Their energetically, electrically, magnetically, vibrationally activated BRAIN, translates the Light and Vibrations that are DATA, that then becomes KNOWLEDGE to ACT by and SERVE by. I have written previously this year of the TRINITY ALIGNMENT they attain, where they energetically align to the 1] CHRISTED Frequency within the Casual Plane, 2] the HOLY SPIRIT/UNSEEN LIFE FORCE/PRANA, 3] SOURCE/GOD/CREATOR.
CONTEXT: THE RAPTURE / TRIBULATION (see the Bible and/or many other religion’s or native prophecies):
I have known for some months we as a Collective, are in the Time of Rapture long prophesied about for thousands of years. I’ve previously hinted, to read the Prophesies. Much is hidden within the Bible, or, taken too literally.
The Rapture will last SEVERAL YEARS. It is a Timeline where many are ‘TAKEN’, VIA INVITATION (meaning their frequency alignment), to align to the Christed Frequency. That’s the Stage 2. The Light Layer Node Activation within them. They did not, and do not, I emphasise DO NOT leave their physical vessel. And this is what is confusing for OTHERS around them, as the one taken, is STILL seen as the identity others outside of them PERCEIVE them by, based on others OWN operating consciousness level. To many others, the one TAKEN appears the same human version, so others won’t comprehend ‘taken’ until they too are ‘TAKEN’ and understand via their own experience of it. The one’s TAKEN already, or soon, are simply the first of MANY, to align to the Christed Frequency. They KNOW, within, they have been TAKEN, by invitation, to meet and align to The Christ. In another timeline, MANY shall align to this frequency and also be taken. This is also explained in the Bible, yet misunderstood for many years as being PHYSICALLY TAKEN. Know, we are ALL HERE together, doing this, and we stay IN the physical body.
So the Bible points to TWO events:
1] Some are TAKEN first, but stay IN BODY, whilst the majority of humanity are ‘left’. As per the prophesy.
2] Those left, are TAKEN too, but later, in another timeline. Meaning it’s not their timeline just yet. So remain in their Soul Mission 1 for now. Each do this ONE by ONE. Individually, within a collective Era. This is PRE-DESIGNED. So no one need try to rush or push themselves, or feel ‘less than’, or think they are doing something wrong on their path. Have faith in YOUR design. It is divine. Allow your focus to simply be ON the remaining INNER clearing of beliefs systems and personality behaviours within your Soul Mission 1.
It is a subtle Timeline of what is being BIRTHED. Yet a CRUDE timeline for what will dissolve. There is MUCH to dissolve, within the experience of TIME, over several years. Nation against nation, neighbour against neighbour, person against person, spiritually awakened against spiritually awakened etc etc. All played out within the POLARITY FIELD people are still WITHIN, yet can come out of. SOUL MISSION 2 is OUTSIDE of all Polarity, outside of all separation, and ALL division where Peace, Love and Harmony reside, where diversity of ALL as the ONE just IS celebrated in utter ENERGETIC balance and harmony WITHIN each being.
So, a long timeline of several years where:
1] There is much to be seen, dissolved, both collectively AND PER INDIVIDUAL personality identities.
2] What’s really at play here, is the dissolving of the enlarged EGO that still dominates any human being, and seeks to dominate it’s own life or dominate it’s outer world. Peoples focus may be on the world stage, yet all that underlies that world stage, is the struggle ANY PERSON could have, with their OWN enlarged EGO. What can be forgotten if awakened, is it is NEVER about the OUTER, it is always about any REACTION running within you to the OUTER. Your Consciousness rises from within, not by the mind’s reaction to the OUTER events on the stage of illusions. The Christed TIMELINE over several years will make it increasingly uncomfortable for the enlarged Ego within ANYONE, to operate as the enlarged ego. What is retained, is the LESSOR EGO, the original pure design of the ego, that SIMPLY, ONLY, ensures the safety of the physical body within a solid reality. So personal and also world intensity will occur for many if the enlarged ego is running. I have mentioned several times over the years, but remind again as a SIGN, that whilst things dissolve within the world stage, the LAST that dissolves, are the church’s. Meaning any man made religion or cults, that were set up to deny THE PEOPLE their OWN God Given Abilty to dissolve separation from God, and know God, FEEL God’s presence from WITHIN them. These types of religions, orders, faiths will be the LAST to dissolve in order that the Christed State, attainable to ALL and ANY, be met within each, as EQUALS. Once the churches ‘fall’, the Golden Light shall then reign throughout the world.
3] In PARALLEL, IN the same MASS Collective TIMELINE, of personal or world intensity for many, the RE-BIRTH is occurring. There is MUCH to be birthed, grown into, attained, be reborn in alignment to the Christed Frequency of Consciousness. This may seem as nonsense or ridiculous to some, but as I always explain, HIGHER ENERGY FREQUENCIES always ALWAYS seem subtle or non existent at first, until we match every higher frequency through our own stages and own way. Then energy frequencies that seemed subtle, become the norm. And the PREVIOUS LOWER ENERGY frequencies we experienced by, feel gross or too crude, to live as OR in. So we ascend out of the lower frequencies into living and existing in the higher frequencies. Heaven on Earth.
4] As per prophecies, there will also be the element of the False during these next years. Those that are birthing within, the Christed State Alignment, will be doing so without Proclaiming, Parade or Fanfare. They don’t have the enlarged ego. They are humble. They will just keep quietly embodying it. They will be LEARNING WITHIN, and truly nuturing, what is being BIRTHED within them. There will be amplified talk, and many words written about the Era of Christed Consciousness. Yet there will also be the false prophets, as per prophecy.
To help you discern, in any timeline ahead within these next years, IF you are energy aware, FEEL BEYOND ANY WORDS spoken by another, feel the frequency of the person that speaks of anything, anytime in your lives, including the speaking of the Christed State and this Era or what is to come. Be particularly mindful of anything spoken that is FEAR BASED. For many shall speak, and try to entice. The art of speaking, has been cleverly utilised to manipulate, control or gain favour for thousands of years. But ENERGY, underlying and BEHIND all words spoken or written, just is. And can be FELT. So for your own discernment, learn to FEEL ENERGY, of everyone, and everything. Energy just is. At variable frequency. There is no right or wrong energy frequency. Just the experience of it.
There is nothing to judge of any other or event outside of you. For underlying this is your own consciousness wanting you to see you are the one in judgement, of this or that, with the Polarity Field you come out of. So just to gently, kindly notice any judgements arising within you, and look at why, and choose again. To give energy to any turbulence outside of you, is to say YES to MORE of it. It creates MORE of it. And so leads to the sustaining, of more, of what is to dissolve, within society, structures and peoples. Yet there is no right or wrong choice to each one’s choice. It is just a choice. We master our choices more and more based on our SOUL’S WISDOM and SOUL AWARENESS. The highest greatest thing any one of us can do, is anchor the NEW. Bring in the NEW. Birth within us what has been birthed within the Mass Collective Timeline. That is the Birth of the Era of Oneness, Unity, Peace within the BEAUTY of Diversity. For God is within All, and all things, waiting to be met. Be gentle to yourself, so that your own self gentleness, compassion, humbleness and understanding can be given by you to all others through these times. As the example of what can be birthed in all others too. Holding the frequency of LOVE and Compassion, for all that others may go through. We are One.
Below screenshot of the activation of the Light Layer that took place on 22 March 2023.