Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and the Five -Five Portal Day all wrapped into one!
What an amazing day we have today.
Many say an Eclipse day is a day to release things you no longer want.
But in this reality, a day with massive energies like today is a day where YOU decide what it means.
YOU decide what you're going to manifest or create!
You are the creator of your reality, not something you read in a 3d book or something someone else believes.
So what are you going to do with it?
The Lunar Eclipse will reach its peak today at 1:24 pm EDT and end at 3:32 pm EDT.
It's only viewable from the Eastern Hemisphere, but the energy is still there.
Then we have the 5 - 5 Portal Day.
It is believed that Portal days hold energetic powers.
To really harness the power of the day, it's suggested to manifest or meditate at the corresponding time of the Portal Day.
Today, that would be 5:55
With all the inner work you've done and upgrades, today is a day of energetic wonder for you.
Anything you truly believe you can make reality by manifesting it.
Aim big! Energy is energy it doesn't matter if it's a clock or a car, they manifest the same way.
You are in control of it all. I know it doesn't feel that way at times, but once you truly begin to believe that, everything changes around you.
You are of the Light! Feel that within you today.
Magical things are in the works all around you!
Tap in and feel the energies and love all around you.
Everything is about to change in this reality, and you are part of all of it.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith