Thing 1: HCIs — “Higher Communication Incoming” — Those times when you’re going about your every day life and all the sudden you just HAVE to lie down because your EYES won’t stay OPEN, and SLEEP is overtaking you. Delta/theta gone wild. You lie down and within SECONDS, you’re either asleep or in a deep, deep meditative REVERIE. You may go into a full-on dream scene or receive a vision or hear words or get a message or receive codes or have a communication from a higher being or loved one ... or nothing, though that “nothing” is really a lot of “something” that you’re just not aware of (but, rest assured, it hit its target). 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes later you pop back up awake, often with a “What just happened?”
Thing 2: WDMBJG? — “Where Did My Brain Just Go?” — You’re going along just fine when you realize something feels ... different ... “Oh, my brain is missing!” Actually, not the brain but consciousness, or a good portion of it. “It was here just a minute ago.”
But now you realize your head feels “blank” or “empty” or “floaty.” You’re functioning, you feel physically okay, +/- a little weird. Like a piece of your consciousness quietly slipped out when you weren’t paying attention
Seems to me (again, my speculation) that Things 1 & 2 — among many other Things — are part of “The Event Soft Rollout” or “Gradual Waking Up” phenomena sweeping across humanity, and particularly, the ascension-wayshower-frontliner-earthkeeper-conscious-etc. community. A GRADUAL changeover so we adjust/upgrade in STEPS — instead of a sudden global freak-out from a dramatic, heart-stopping event
In short, Consciousness and Dimensional Boundaries are LOOSENING UP and getting PLAYFUL. And why not? 👉👉👉
• Veils thinning
• Higher light incoming
• Vibrations rising
• Lightbodies awakening
• Chakras unifying
• Brains awakening
• Hearts opening
• Energies flowing
• Love streaming
• Multidimensional awareness: rising
• Cross-dimensional experiences: rising
• Encounters with passed-over loved ones: rising
• Communications with guides, celestials, High Self: rising
• Dream/Vision Glimpses of New Earth: rising
• Experiences of Oneness: rising
• Our Connection with All That Is: self-revealing
THE GREAT SHIFT IS SLOWLY HAPPENING and our consciousness may be taking field trips (Thing 2) to New Earth because:
(a) it can
(b) it is being summoned
(c) it went ahead to fill out the paperwork
(d) it’s the new normal
(e) all of the above
And with the Veil THINNING (and practically G-O-N-E), it’s much easier for us to RECEIVE messages from the Other Side (New/Home Earth), as they come in NOW and powerfully. It’s also easier for us to travel to New/Home Earth (and various parallel worlds) during our dreamtime, as well. And it’s getting easier for us to experience glimpses (or knowings and feels) of New/Home Earth (and parallel worlds) in our waking state!
So, Cheers! Prost! Salud! Santé! and Mazel tov! to us and all the Weirdness and Things we are experiencing!! It’s GOOD, it’s REMARKABLE, it’s EXCITING, and it’s PERFECT
… As are YOU 💜💥💛
“...there is a natural
source of radiance
and brilliance
in this world —
which is the innate
of human beings.”
~ Chogyam Trungpa
© Pat Donworth 2023