zaterdag 4 maart 2023


I am aware many are asking me for support, or wanting to share or private chat. I am also aware many who follow my support, are also aware I’ve been quieter here, since my Concussion (perfectly designed). I tend to be a private and shy person, but I will share below, from my heart, a little more about my path, so that you feel my on going support, and pray you know, I have ALWAYS had my eye on the Bigger Picture.

Last year in March 2022, and since then, I was given various data of the PATH STAGE I would go into at some point. It was then necessary for me to embody unexpectedly in October 2022, the frequency State of ‘Bliss/Cosmic Consciousness’, prior to my current Embodiment Stage.

When I awoke in 2012, I was told by my consciousness to not create anything, UNTIL I reached a SPECIFIC State of Embodiment. In other words, to focus ONLY on the embodiment process itself until a certain timeline. That at a ‘future’ State of embodiment, I would receive new abilities and gifts, sealed up (unavailable) at various stages of embodiment. I have stayed utterly true to my path, and consciousness for these 10.5 years. I received unexpected support from various non-physical energies and deities, and was asked by The Elohim in 2014 to create a Facebook account to give support to any that resonated, for their preparation, for the times to come. As you know, the path at times is not easy. Yet I was also told to rely only on my INNER GUIDANCE to embody (no books, people, courses, objects), which although would make it harder for me, it would be the quickest route for me personally.

Through these 10.5 years, one of my abilities is to physically FEEL multiple energy frequencies as I embody them. Once a particular energy frequency is embodied, I can then choose it AT WILL, be it, and give from it. It’s as easy for me, as pressing a button. Instant, to switch to, once the frequency is embodied.

Having embodied ‘Bliss Consciousness’ as a FREQUENCY in October 2022, I now understand it was necessary for this CURRENT stage. Since December 2022 I have been guided continuously in Dreamtime as well as continuous data that unpackages within me in the day time. I am being made aware of my path ahead. The path I have TRULY come to GIVE from. And I am loosely aware of the COLLECTIVE timeline ahead (I have no dates). I am being shown the abilities and gifts I am to embody, after this CERTAIN STAGE I am in. But this current stage, is like being in a brand new school, without any books or people. It’s like a classroom that has ONLY ENERGY and I am ENERGY. Where (as always with my own path), I am my teacher and I am finding my own way. I feel like the new kid on the block here. It is a new game. No longer in the previous game. My inner teachings and knowledge are from BEING ENERGY, and I embody this stage ONLY by ALIGNING to a particular energetic frequency. There is no talking or thinking when BEING certain ENERGY FREQUENCIES. Where everything is about alignment of my energy TO ENERGY FREQUENCIES. In order to expand INTO, a particular type of embodiment.

In earlier years, I used to channel (only to myself, not publicly). I wouldn’t seek these various channellings from various Deities, they just came to me, from many faiths (Jesus, Lord Krishna, the Buddha as well as over-residing energies from Star Systems. In 2017, Sananda (Jesus/Yeshua) came. As he had done many times. He told me he didn’t mind WHAT name people used for him. He told me he HELD an ENERGETIC FREQUENCY, almost like a star gate, or LIGHT POINT of particular energetic frequency value. He said that people would match that frequency, through their own hearts, to align to the ENERGETIC SPACE he holds and IS, as non physical.

When we reach, through the path, our own energetic alignment to that same frequency, we ACT as a CONDUIT, for the Christed Energy to come through us. I wish to state CLEARLY, we are NOT Jesus Christ. It is that our OWN physical body becomes an instrument in alignment to The Christ’s ENERGY FREQUENCY, that is also in alignment to GOD’s WILL. (I have explained in many previous posts, there comes an earlier point of Embodiment where we willingly choose to give up our own personality’s separated will. Where we choose, and align to God’s Will).

The ENERGY FREQUENCY of Christ, is a particular UNIQUE frequency. It is not the same frequency as ‘Bliss Consciousness’. Or the Frequency of Mother Mary. Yet Bliss Consciousness IS, if you like, the STATE and FREQUENCY NECESSARY to attain and reside IN, in order for the frequencies of The Christ’s ENERGY and WISHES to work through your heart and physical vessel. There will be many on the planet in the years ahead that attain this state. This is also written in many different scriptures of different worldwide faiths.

Whilst we live in this modern world of 2023, a world of diverse cultures, technologies, religions, and faiths, there is much I have just explained that is written in many different scriptures of many different faiths. In recent weeks, I have been shown, that various previous years ‘Learning Dreams’ I have received, are actually Prophecies within the written Scriptures of many world faiths that PRE-DATE Jesus, as well as of that time era. Many faiths share similar messages of the times we are IN, and the times ahead. It may be and seem a time of great division (as prophesied). But in time (I don’t know how long), it shall become a world of UNITY amongst all peoples.

For the above reasons, I am more quiet and also more quiet in my ‘personal’ life with friends. As to attain this embodiment stage is through daily SILENT INNER dedication, daily inner HEART intention to Serve God. Daily attention to INNER frequency. It’s attained through the state of silence, of being certain energy frequencies in silence, where we will hold in our hearts, the Love for ALL, in and through our Heart Centre. THE LOVE that all worldwide faiths UNIFY IN. God’s Love for All.

Since my awakening where I was shown so much, I made life changing decisions to dedicate my life to God. I sought God because I could not undo what I was shown. I have continuously supported here as best I can, whilst going through different embodiment stages myself. My support has not been via intellectual, historical or scientific knowledge (I was told not to read anything outside of me). But by me going through the actual embodiment stages (there are many stages) meant I could share inner knowledge, inner data, physical sight, heighten senses and sensitivity, the giving out of inner energy frequencies and light codes, but above all things, I share my heart and love FOR YOU, through my shear compassion and inner love, as we ALL go. Whilst I go through this current stage (not there yet), I have lived for the time I embody the abilities and gifts I have been shown I have come to Earth to give of. I am NOT there YET, but when I am, I will be able to support in so many new ways I could only dream of (literally I have dreamed them). My heart has LOVED EVERYONE in this world, since I was a very young child. I remain the child. I have yearned for the times to come, and I will Serve God, and help others, as is God’s Will.

Of course there shall be many that mock, and disbelieve, all nature of reactions…but there has been the mocking and desire of control ‘over’ for anyone on an enlightened journey. There has been in every era…Again this is in many ancient scriptures of the timelines we are in and to come.

Whilst still holding ‘shyness’…I share this to be open with you, as generally, I only write and speak on specific subjects to HELP YOU directly, so I don’t tend to share of my path unless asked directly. Yet I pray what I have shared about the state labelled/termed ‘Christed state of Consciousness’, supports your path in some way.

With Love
Amanda Lorence
03 March 2023