donderdag 19 januari 2023



All remaining black magic, spells, curses, hexes, and all interference patterns that have been trying to prevent Divine Unions from happening, have been fully cleared and dissolved now!! Allow this to fully lift from your and the Collective field. This is allowing for DIVINE JUSTICE to be served now & all part of our Global and Cosmic Debt Forgiveness! As Forgiveness sets everyONE FREE! This process is much interconnected with, and supported by, the re-unification of the Original Twinflames and 13 Original Tribes. As they come to reconciliation and UNIFY again AS ONE TRIBE, our Cosmic Re-Union fully unfolds as it is the micro of the macro playing, reflected through our own inner Monadic Merging, integration, and unification and merging ALL of our multi-dimensional aspects into ONE CONSCIOUSNESS body.

Divine inner Unions have now completed for the Forerunners, as they have freed themselves of all black magic spells, interference patterns and karmic connections that were trying to prevent them from happening and completing. All that has kept them separate and fragmented, unable to open their Hearts up fully to true Divine Self Love and ONE another, is being fully dissolved, opening the way for Divine Unions to take place between the Divine Counterparts of the 144,000, in the physical, and on all levels!

This is at the core of, and what makes our Cosmic Re-Union and Ascension to our New Eden and Heaven on Earth, possible. As we re-member we are dreaming and projecting ALL of this as ONE HEART-MIND! The Forerunners and Original Twinflames, have let go of ALL attachments to form, trance-ended the illusions of separation and this artificial Matrix simulation, as all remaining limiting programming/ thought forms and beliefs, which are being overwritten by Cosmic God Consciousness, which we are! All fears, worries, doubts, insecurities, nervousness, resentments, guilt, shame, blame, defensiveness, codependency patterns, feelings of superiority and inferiority, masks, false projections and perceptions, are being fully evaporated in this now through the powerful Supernova of The Heart Event that is in full force and completing, as part of the Planetary, Galactic and Cosmic Magnetic field and pole shift. This is all part of the Divine Healing Dispensation coming directly from Source, HEALING ALL WILLING HEART-MINDS THROUGH THE POWER OF TRUE DIVINE LOVE!

We have healed our sacred Crystal Hearts, wounds, traumas and with it, our and the planetary morphogenetic field, as we surrendered to Source, the Divine Plan and the Love that we are. Having UNIFIED ALL of our multi-dimensional fractals back together AS ONE, through the power and ancient gnosis that is held within our Hearts, and the Holy Spirit and Divine spark that resides here, and is our connection to the Divine. Our Heart is the House that God dwells in. The Divine Masculine and Feminine have integrated their polarities and merged and unified them as ONE! All part of the new Cosmic Divine Union / Hierogamic Union Blueprints and Templates of the Androgenous Krystar SAphiRA/ Christos-Sophia/ Albion/ Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody. This is completing the healing our and the planetary morphogenetic field, which is HEALING ALL, and making us unfuckablewith as our energy field becomes impenetrable and all remaining negative entities are returned to Source and disappear! Divine Union, balance, harmony and alignment have been achieved between the Cosmic Divine Masculine and Feminine energies and principles, and peace ensues! As two become three, to be as ONE. Filling the Hearts and Minds of ALL, with the infinite healing power of pure True Divine Love! IT IS DONE!!!! 

Nothing is impossible for us now as we are unstoppable when we UNIFY AS ONE & RISE IN TRUE DIVINE LOVE! THERE ARE NO LIMITS, but those created by your own belief systems! With The Supernova of The Heart Event in full force and about to complete, we are rapidly Quantum shifting back to our New Eden and Heaven on Earth! Ready to fully awaken from the dream within the dream ... In the blink of an eye! Re-member, it's all happening, as well as has already happened. 

The movie has been prewritten as well as we continue writing it as we walk our path. Those that have given so much to others have to focus more on themselves now and open up wide for the support we need and deserve. For those that have been more self focused, are now asked to give more to others in service to ALL, to support the new balance and harmony of the Unity Field. All part of the pole shift. This is also connected to the full healing of our Central Nervous System and the Planetary Grid system, as well as the whole morphogenetic field, which holds our Divine Blueprints and Templates, The Sphere of Amenti, which holds the instruction sets for how our matter world's and bodies manifest and the Blueprint for HUmanity's evolutionary journey. All is shape-shifting along with the sacred geometric patterns that underlie all of Creation, unfolding behind that which is visible to our eyes so far, yet many can feel and sense the quantum shifts taking place within their bodies, realities and Consciousness. As all remaining fears and doubts dissolve, we know that ANYTHING IS TRULY POSSIBLE NOW, AS WE FULLY RE-CLAIM & RE-MEMBER ALL OF OUR POWER, GIFTS, ABILITIES, MEMORIES & ONE TRUE SELF! As ALL IS PART OF THE SINGULARITY!! 

Massive high Heart Activations, openings and expansions are taking place, merging and connecting our higher Heart-Minds as ONE, as part of the Krystal Palace Activations. Our Crystalline structures and Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicles, and that of Earth, are fully igniting and continue to upgrade and bring our bodies back into perfect balance, equilibrium and health. The planetary Grids and our Central Nervous System have been purified and the Stargates are wide open and ready for the final ignition, as well as the Crystalline Core of Earth fully activated, along with our Permanent Cosmic God/ Kryst Seed Atom. M- and C-Class Solar flares, as well as Schumann Resonance spikes, continue to assist this final purification, healing and Ascension phase, as we continue to.. LIGHT UP OUR INNER & OUTER GRIDS, DIAMOND RAINBOW PLASMA LIGHTBODY, MERKABA, CRYSTAL CORE OF EARTH & OUR SACRED CRYSTAL HEARTS, LIKE THE DIAMOND SUN'S OF GOD THAT WE ARE! 

Our Plasma Wings, Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicle, have been activated and WE ARE READY FOR THE FULL & FINAL LIFT OFF!! JOIN ME for a YouTube LIVE & Cosmic Energy Update and Live Activation @ 22:11pm UK time today, Thursday the 19th, or for the replay, where I will as always share more of the BIG PICTURE of what I see unfolding, and navigational tips. 

 The focus of the Lightlanguage assisted Activation will be on us fully igniting the New 13D Diamond Grid system of the Divine Organic Creatrix Field, our and the planetary Crystal Core & Lotus Heart, multi-dimensional DNA, Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody & Merkaba vehicle, to assist the completion our FULL & FINAL LIFT OFF, DIVINE COSMIC RE-UNION & dissolution of the false Matrix simulation! LET THERE BE MAGIC!! Eternal Love, Ramona