For context of why I sometimes share images of the RAINBOW RAYS displayed beyond different solid matter. Not because I’m focusing on solid matter, but to gently point to the RAYS that shall become MORE and MORE apparent to the vast HUMANITY. The 7 Rays are a multi-layered PART (emphasis on PART) of how this particular ILLUSION is created. All RAINBOWS are in fact circular. Multiple mirror images of the RAYS, emitted by God. Yet is more complex, including MORE higher frequency rays than the 7, including a vast complexity of VIBRATIONS and intricate DESIGNED PATTERNS of light and vibration that make LIGHTED LAYERS and therefore LAWS (we can label as Dimensions). In truth, all is ILLUSION.
We also, embody all RAYS WITHIN as part of our stage by stage embodiment process. I point to the visible RAINBOW RAYS of this illusion, as they are LIGHT and VIBRATIONS, where each have an AFFECT or ‘JOB’ to help create this particular illusion. Yet it is through FEELING, through the HEART, not MIND immersion into solidity fascinations, that we may go further and deeper, to the reconnection or remember the SOURCE of ALL CREATION…God.
Beyond the solid reality and semi solid realities of all illusions. So we can utilise the OUTER as a way of going INNER, into our HEART, of FEELING. Where NOW (see image of leaf below) we can SEE the PRE-MATTER stage seen as transparent images that are PRE the creation of the said solid MATTER. How? Through the heart of Love, and then transcending further into BEING. Beyond the illusion. Beyond the body. Immersed into and of God, where there is then no MATTER, and also NO MEANING to any thing. Just Presence…
So we can UTILISE the solid matter world around us, not to become fascinated by MATTER itself (3d), but as a ‘WAY’ to TRANSCEND into God/Source/The Infinite. Pre-Matter. Pre ALL Creation. Into the Presence of God within EVERYONE. As within, so without…Heaven within. So without.
Please just take what resonates, and discard the rest…A difficult post to write in FEW words…
“‘Learning Dream’ 18 Aug 2022: OVERALL DIVINE DESIGN FOR COLLECTIVE: THE LIFTING OF ‘THE VEIL’ plus the Holographic Reality shall be SEEN. Individually 1 by 1 or en mass? I don’t know”.
ADDITIONAL DATA via ‘Data download’Received 26 August 2022.
See below photographs and drawing.
Initially a ‘rainbow cloud’ was seen. Later, a LARGER mass of ‘rainbow cloud” emerged where I then merged my consciousness to the light (of the cloud area). My own visual of the ‘Rainbow clouds’ altered, and after that change, the following LIGHT DATA was TRANSFERRED, unpackaged from LIGHT DATA FORM, into linear language INFORMATION to be shared:
‘Rainbow cloud’ phenomena has been on the increase throughout the world in the last 2 years. Looking back 10-20 years ago, this phenomena was more rare. It will KEEP increasing in the skies worldwide, in order for ‘The People' of the World to become accustomed, gently and gradually to seeing more division of coloured light rays at a LONG DISTANCE away from their bodies. The Divine Design is intentional. As from a DISTANCE, The People feel at ease, relaxed, comfortable at seeing ANY new phenomena and in this case, increased ‘rainbow cloud’ phenomena WORLDWIDE.
In what we label ‘future timeline’, this phenomena of the division of coloured light rays will THEN APPEAR more CLOSELY to The People; by being shown and experiencing this UPON Mother Earth. In objects we label as ‘solid matter’. Examples would be: tree trunks, leaves, concrete, man made objects, the ground, water etc. This shall ALLOW The People to see and accustom themselves to the separation of LIGHT into RAYS, WITHIN the ‘solid’ reality. In truth, ‘solid reality’ is just a description for ‘condensed light particles’ operating at a lower hertz vibration.
They already have this scientific knowledge. The scientific community of humanity shall at that point, seek to explore SOLID MATTER ‘reasoning’ for such phenomena UPON EARTH, seen with physical eyes in all objects. Where exploration will STILL BE by scientifically the SEEKING within a SOLID REALITY of particle matter, time and space (for their answers). Seeking, as to how and why the new phenomena is occurring WITHIN the ‘solid’ world. Where the STIMULI of the FIVE senses, plus time and space belief systems, plus the temporary experience of SEPARATION from SOURCE…ADDS to the illusionary separated HUMAN experience within a CONDENSED LIGHT FIELD. Higher Hertz Vibrations allows for Higher Hertz LIGHT FIELDS to be seen and EXPERIENCED from. Where there is always more and more and more…
However, in terms of the DIVINE DESIGN, it will be but ONE EARLY STAGE of the actual ‘Lifting of the Veil’…Where the HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY is seen by all The People. As such, PHYSICAL SCIENCE shall move closer to some Quantum Theories, and Quantum Theories shall move closer to THE ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE available at higher hertz consciousness. Imagine nearly 8 Billion People simply accepting (via mass consensus) that this REALITY was always Holographic. It will become commonly accepted as the ‘new’ normal of everyday human knowledge. However, as always it shall raise even more questions for the human ‘mind’. Of HOW do we as humans experience the Holographic (illusion/mire) as so seemingly ‘REAL’? Much shall be explored by the sciences, and The People as humanity rises and rises in collective ACCUMULATIVE vibration and consensus. As more and more of the (always) EXISTING HIGHER VIBRATIONS shall be met, embodied, experienced and explored by The Collective.
I have ‘attempted’ to draw HOW objects will be seen. But easier to imagine many light layers of different colours, overlaying each object. Or imagine a psychedelic effect (often shown in movies via cinematic special effects). Where each object viewed is seen as many layers of colour simultaneously.
As I say, please just take what resonates, and discard the rest.
With Love always,
Amanda Lorence
28 August 2022