woensdag 2 november 2022

Update ~ Mary Long

I know some days can be very challenging for us Dear Ones, the only way I get through it is to not engage in things that disturb my presence in such a way that I feel out of control.
It is not an easy task when we have all been so programmed to react rather than pause or step back and refocus before words come flowing from our mouths.

Honestly, I use to be quite mouthy with people when I was younger, I didn't take no shit from anyone, but I was mean about it. It has taken me years to break that cycle of discontent in my life and it has made me a better person and I love myself more for it.
When I would get angry, I would be sick for days after because it really messes with our bodies and our minds. Sometimes I would stew on things for days and weeks, I use to be so angry with this World and at times I still feel discontent with it.

When I feel this way, I have to sit with it no matter how long it takes until I see the Love in it, whatever it is that triggers me it is for a reason, to awaken me to it, to heal it, recognize it, let it go and forgive myself for feeling such a way. In allowing myself to be triggered by the actions of another.

Truly Peace is where I remain now, it is the only space I can be in and Love is my foundation, so when something triggers me now, I am lucky if it lasts a minute, because I don't allow my mind to control my emotional state. I work from my Heart, I trust what I feel because that Love never leaves me it is always there within my heart.

We have to decide if we want to go on reacting in the same way or walk this world in a state of peace and allow it all to just roll right off. For me anger is really not a part of my life anymore, people are amazed at how I stay so calm in situations others are not. It is because I choose to, because my Love for all Life is much deeper than being angry about something.
You have to ask yourself, is this emotion really worth catering too, is it really worth how it makes us feel. More can be solved with love and understanding rather than allow anger to control us. Truly.

Just wanted to put that out there because I am not perfect, never have been I have my days, I just choose to channel it in a different way rather than on another or share it in my posts because all I am doing if I share that emotion is feeding the flame of it.
Just not Worth it Loves, truly it isn't.

Unconditional Love is the Only way to be. Words have energy, so I choose them wisely now because all I want is to be at Peace in this chaotic World that surrounds me. So, I stay in this state for myself and for others to feel that we all have the power to control the way we feel.
Sending Love to all those out there that are angry at the World because no matter where you are at emotionally, My Love for all will always remain.