vrijdag 4 november 2022

The DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT is Still Cleaning-Up this Material Realm! ~ Pars Kutay

The DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT is Still Cleaning-Up this Material Realm!
WE will Continue to SENSE It. . . to FEEL It. . . to Receive The DIVINE LIGHT and Acclimate to It.
As WE Do So. . . TRUTH will Download into Creation and Upgrading will BE ACTUALIZED.
Opportunities will ARISE. . . Sometimes Mysteriously. . . for Historical Reality to UNFOLD.
This is How the “Solar Eclipse” in Scorpio is GIFTING us.

Secrets are Upleveling in ALL Human Arenas.
Transcendence is Occurring like the Phoenix Bird SOARING from the Flames.
The DIVINE SOURCE is in CHARGE. . . and as was Heard many thousands of years ago Upon a Mountain: “EHYEH ASHER EHYEH!
which translates as: “I AM THAT I AM!”.

Pars Kutay