woensdag 2 november 2022

The Birthing from what is Dying ~ Robbie Watson

The Birthing from what is Dying is often the most painful part of the experience - We find the Peace within and We Let it follow our Roots into the parts of ourselves we are Healing.

I have found myself in this Peace - it holds me steady as the memories of my life surface. I am quiet as the sounds in this house remind me of my stillness.

I Am Loved in this Space - Eternally.

This Code is working with the spaces of Origin - where trust was birthed to behold it’s own Creation.
I am just now making its presence known sharing it in pieces with you all as it anchors in. It is not yet finished and will move through and into deeper layers of Embodiment.

May it reflect in you what is hidden / what is needing to be seen / and may you shine as bright as the sun.
This Love - it is Here, Forever Now.

If You would like to work Personally with Me, please Message Me here or Visit my Business Page with a List of Services. https://www.facebook.com/lightcodedshaman

—— All rights reserved as creator, Robbie Watson of this true original artwork. I give no consent or permission to alter, copy, visually distort, host, or distribute for personal or commercial gain. Please share this post freely, but please place a tag with my name on it.