Beloved Fam,
How are you?! I feel like I haven’t been in these spaces much this year and to be honest I’ve loved it. I feel like this year has been a master teacher and guide, assisting all of us to TRUST the process. Deep self care especially when it comes to the MIND. Out here feels like a soup pot of every fucking thing mixed in and then some. For me personally it’s been about observing and taking it easy, we all have our seasons and mine is in deep listening/observation/transformation mode.
Intense, is an understatement but through the intensity there’s so much magic playing out right now! Memories of times when we were wayshowers on a new planet planting seeds of consciousness that we now get to reap the rewards from… I can’t express how good it feels to be HERE in the self expression I have fought to be in for eons. Are we going through it? Yes! Are we feeling all the symptoms of this DNA awakening, yes! We were created with everything needed for our journey within this realm and beyond so don’t forget to check in, give permission to your cells, DNA, body to remember it’s original instructions.
The spiritual warfare is no joke. Everybody is more spiritual than the next and everybody has their own ideology of what this time is supposed to be. We got the fake wokes and people who are selling spirit with no spirit. What a fucking time to be alive indeed. Everyday I sit with GOD and ask to remember MY original instructions. Then I go out into the world trusting my mind, body and spirit FIRST. Your tribe will always find you through your frequency, don’t be afraid of loosing people. You don’t loose people, you grow out of the frequency that kept you binded.
I said earlier this year that partnerships, marriages, friendships would be collapsing because you can’t be and stay with someone not doing the work for their expansion but depending on you to do the work for them. It hurts. But the life you will build attracting those that are doing the work they need to do is top tier living. When certain things/people/experiences arise in my life that make me question how the hell they got in, I check myself first. They got in through ME. EVERYTHING in my life is created by me. So, when something is off or I need to get to the bottom of it I go to the boss; ME. I don’t know who needed to hear that.
I’m resting. I’m getting ready. I’m being prepared. I know many of you are too. I’ll see you between the realms!
So much love Starseeds