maandag 5 september 2022

Update ~ Grace Solaris

Feel welcome beloved child of God to the Divine Father Holy Grail transmission on the Equinox September 23rd, which marks the day of the autumn time window of equal day and night equilibrium. The balance of the the two forces, sun and moon, holy father and holy mother.

Due to thousands of years of patriachal distorted dominion the repression of the divine feminine, the divine masculine has become corrupted and amputated in his role as the divine protector of the divine feminine within every man and woman. This has caused much distortions between the genders as well as between the inner divine feminine and masculine.

A deep rift of distrust and bigotry not only towards the divine masculine but also towards the holy father aspect. Even a distrust in Source, father/mother god... the protective arm of the divine masculine whose role it is to guard the divine feminine who is the grail keeper, so that she may fully surrender and fullfill her role as the receptor of the seed in full divine trust.

Beloved Jeshua has stepped forward to offer this most profound healing of the divine masculine aspect. He will offer his loving warmth and unconditional love of the holy father so that the inner child and twin essence may resurrect in you. So that you may return home in your sacred heart to fully embody the holy grail sacred womb of the divine feminine and the two can unite in sacred unison. This goes for both genders as we all carry both aspects within.

The divine feminine is the holy grail truthkeeper and patron of the new earth consciousness, as the naturel leader and keeper of the Shekina codes of creation. For those seeds, keys and codes to germinate the divine masculine sacred essence is required to fertilize and ensure the growth in the fruitful soil of divine equilibrium. Divine balance is required to give birth to the fruits of the two, the sacred child and thru its union, the twin essence is resurrected and the sacred manna of god can flow abundantly and ensure the flowering of christ consciousness and anchoring of the holy grail eden templates of the new golden era.

This is a remote light transmission of the divine father grail codes. This transmission will offer deep healing both to the inner child, as well as to the divine masculine and feminine in you thru the loving embrace of the divine father heart of creation.

It is thru unconditional forgiveness and true surrender from the divine feminine in you, that the divine masculine will become empowered, thru offering divine mercy, faith and trust in the divine masculine, that he can rise to his divine purpose and be the guardian of the divine feminine in you, so that she can open her temple in divine trust to receive the seed of creation and be the fertile ground for the flowering of christ consciousness and the holy grail embodiment of divine balance, peace and equanimity.

This is a divine oppportunity to release the grief, the shame and the guilt and to reclaim your dignity as the holy protector of the divine feminine holy grail. At the same time it is the reclaiming of the Excalibur, the sword of truth, that was taken from you, a resurrection of the divine masculine and unfication of the divine feminine and masculine christ of the new heaven on earth.

The holy father is opening his arms to receive you in his sacred heart so that all shame and guilt may leave your heart once and for all, so that you may rise in your full splendor and be the divine protector of the divine feminine holy grail in you and fulfill your higher purpose in the grander plan of seeding the new earth eden templates together with the divine feminine in you. Here is the link to this divine opportunity of resurrection on the Equinox with beloved Jeshua, MM and Sophia and Holy Father.

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Grace Solaris