Stand Tall
Did you know that the ultimate asana (posture, in yoga) is “walking tall”. You know when you look at those goddesses carrying water (Aquarian harbingers with the magical, life giving elixir). With straight backs and gliding along the road spilling not a drop.
Try it. Step onto the grass barefooted. Walk forward, head held high and relaxed. Feel tall. Glide your feet forward rather than step. Feel your true height and the magnificence of Being in your body in your loving Presence. Feel yourself centred in your heart but looking from a place at least 18 inches above your head as if your whole body is below within you.
Do it down the main street of your town. You know you cannot feel negative in any way and stand tall at the same time. It is a way of taking you immediately to your centre, to your power, to the increase knowing of your “new” stature.
It is standing in Soul Presence.
It is so easy to do and merely up to you whether you want to make the choice to be there. The asana of the Truth of who you ARE.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS It is such a privilege and joy when I see someone standing tall taking their Mastery and truth. I feel it often when so many of you share so openly and honestly. You are "tall". The truth of you has such Divine stature and it shows without being "shown off".
And in case you have not noticed, I am male in body, female/male in heart, and Being,
and all else. Masters are genderless or better yet “gendermore”.
"Merged" as One Presence, in a "dance" of Divine Harmony.