It is the time of goodbyes
and hello's.
Many souls will leave your life for they are not a vibratory match any longer.
Thank them for the soul lessons they brought, for the company they offered and for the services they rendered, and whatever else. Bless them with love, as you say your goodbyes, knowing that souls are eternal, and that in truth, you are merely saying: "Aufwiedersehn!"
Till we meet again.
Welcome the new souls into your life and be open to new encounters with those souls who are on the same wavelenght and frequency as you are, who share the same vision and calling, or are just meant to be there for whatever reason and for whatever season, no matter for how long and for how fleeting this may be.
Have no attachments, and this also means no projections nor expectations.
For a new life is beginning for all of us.
It means being fully present in this moment, for this very moment embraces eternity, the infinite now.
Therefore, travel lightly.
You are on a totally new journey of discovery, exploration and therefore, in the here and now, you are transforming and so is everyone and everything.
Understand, that often, you will need to do the exploring and discoveries within yourself, within you, and with the company of heavens, and therefore
alone time, silent time, is so necessary. There is a blessing in solitude which goes way beyond that which any hu-man being can provide, for in solitude, quietude, one can travel the cosmic realms, and beyond the beyond.
More than this, embrace the Omnipotent Power of Love.
Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.