maandag 5 september 2022

Grand Rising Beloveds! ~ Natoya Hall

Grand Rising Beloveds!
I had this transmission downloaded on one of my walks and I wanted to share.
We’re in a time of deeply knowing how we weave our realities and I’ve been wanting new things to be birthed and anchored in my life. Things I never thought possible.
My ancestors have been working with me to think HIGHER, think BIGGER, think in Magic and think in WORTHY. As our realities shift with these rainbow frequencies sweeping unto Earth through our sun portal we are seeing that it’s getting easier to create our lives but the trick is to think multidimensional.
This means that you are in charge (always have been) of what you want to create and how you want to live out that creation.
We are getting help/reminded of prophesies that we and our ancestors buried with the intention that when the time was right we would remember again. The time is now. The time is right. The ancients of the Stars have returned.

You and you alone must believe in YOU/Your path and why you’ve come here on this Earth plane once again. I know I’m talking to the ancients when I say we came to get things DONE and MASTERED so we can go the fuck home. Ain’t nobody got time to be here without purpose and intention. So let’s start acting like we are magical and masterful beings.

Dare to see the MAGIC of your wish fulfilled.

You’ve done the work.
Walk boldly in your creation
This is YOUR time.

So much love Star Beings