I am being made aware tonight, of a huge shift in energy crystalline energy grids and the crystal pyramids, the sacred sites of the earth, as the Old Earth's and the New Earth's have become, as one.
With this, the spine of the Old Earth has fused with the New Earth's and this has activated the tuning forks, (celestial sound) and the Lightning Rod (telluric energy field) in immensely powerful ways.
The original 7th dimensional frequency band is now fully activated, as we are now anchored into the 5th dimension.
Note that you will feel this intensely in your spine, and lower body, as all is disintegrating of the old you, and all you ever believed you were and are in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
All is disintegrating to be cleared away.
This includes all lifetimes and existences in the Old Earth.
The Great Cleansing has begun in earnest and the deepest purification process, such as never witnessed before.
As this happens the new Lightbody is making itself felt on all levels now.
We are in for huge transfiguration, as all escalates.
The portal is the heart center, as it connects heaven and earth plus Divinity.
Photos: Jean-Luc Bozzoli