We are stepping into a time of possible G3 Solar Storms. That's KP 4 thru 6 levels.
Plus with our Flux Energies they're suggesting they may grow large enough to become an R1 Radiation Storm!
Throw in very high Solar Winds 600 KM/S and growing.
Plus M Class Flares and possibly X Class as well!
That doesn't account for our Ascension Energies or our Galactic Energies off the backside of the planet.
Plus the Wheel of Creation energies are coming in right over us now!
This time is amazing, like NEVER before!!
So take it slow today. Feel yourself in these energies as you move forward.
Gravity can feel different.
Your legs and arms may function differently, like wrapped in cotton.
Be sure of your footing before you step.
Make sure of how you feel in these energies as you make plans.
These are very big, excitable energies.
You may feel Euphoric and Blissful, or Anxious and Tired.
Everything happening is now unique to you.
Just stop to see the magic in the moment, in you.
Much love and light Divine One,
-SA Smith