woensdag 24 augustus 2022

I have been wondering ~ Morgan Lee

I have been wondering for ages, why I am moving away from people or they have been moving away from me, when I thought that we were all moving towards Oneness and that everything that we were doing was about that. Understanding that all mirrors are reflections of self, then it made little sense to me we would be dropping away from people we love.

Were we being split into soul tribes, soul families, or something else. How could you no longer, seemingly, out of no where, have nothing in common, or be able to connect, with people you loved so much. Like the resonance, just dropped out.

I had been told for a long time, very clearly back in January, that solitude, was going to be an incredible gift at this time. That we were being asked to become aware of all external distraction and this time was imperative, to be building our own new containers from the ground up. To really become clear of creating consciously, our new templates, from the inside out. And that to attach to anything external would greatly interfere in this. Entanglement, enmeshment, etc. have no place, in the new, that we would be creating.

Upon discussing this with a friend last night and still not coming up with any clear answers,
I was left with no clarity at all.

But I was saying , that it feels like the higher self is doing this re-ordering, just setting up blocks, or endings, separations and the human now understands the necessity of it and eventually, just allows it, surrenders to it and lets go and maybe there may be some personal inner work to do, to see in the self, who the self is now, without these mirrors there any more. And some of it can be painful for the human in the letting go, But overall, it was divine perfection.

Last night in the middle of the night, I was woken with incredible visions, showing me, what it happening, showing how it was happening and why it is happening.

The bottom line was , this is happening for TRUTH, and each must able to be totally transparent and authentic and fully in their own power now, in all relating. That everything that was already operating, in any relationships with this code intact and as the base line, the foundation of that relationship, would remain and any and all relationships, where Truth was not present, would simply fall away.

Some of these would end permanently and some, if both did the inner work, and found the attachments, that prevented, openness , flow, reverence, trust and respect etc, then that relationship may be able to rebirth, have reset and start a new, with new levels of compassion, understanding, allowance, trust and respect, Safe and Empowered communication, without, anything inauthentic in play. Another way to look at this, would be anything that looked like co-dependence was no longer going to work, in any relationship.

Separation from our closest mirrors, was going to be nothing about the other person, but opportunity, to see the self, be there for self, and love the self - unconditionally ,fully, first.

I was shown that Love alone , was not going to cut it, as love does not truly exist in reality, without, respect, Truth, trust, openness, allowance, support etc. and seeking these from any other, was not truth. This only comes, from within and these splits, detachments, separations, endings, were a gift we were arranging by the self, for the self.

What is not truth, will not remain

Oneness occurs within the individual, first and foremost and then new mirrors, are created from there.