vrijdag 8 juli 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


TIMELINE UPDATE: THE ‘TRAIN’ ANALOGY: In terms of the ‘Train’ analogy (see pic below from previous March fb Live): No…we haven’t left the ‘station’ yet. If you’ve returned to the ‘station’ and are back on board the train, you will KNOW you are expanding and expanding from WITHIN YOU, as we wait….We’re waiting for more awakened to return to the train that got off 1st January to 31st March 2022 (I also got off the train in that period). Once all are back on board, the train leaves for the next stop…as explained previously, the next stop is designed to ‘pick up’ MANY MORE of unawakened humanity via worldwide and individual events. OUR ENERGY: Everyone is different…all at different and always fluctuating energetic frequencies to each other. We are beautifully UNIQUE. But we each create an accumulated overall sustained frequency (our baseline) even though our own energetic frequency is always fluctuating in every moment. As we embody more of our consciousness, so our sustained BASELINE frequency raises and thus we sustain a newer and higher baseline frequency that also is always fluctuating in energetic motion.

INCOMING ENERGIES: Below drawing shows you how humanity each receive INCOMING ENERGIES based on their sustained BASELINE frequency. This is why more and more people now PHYSICALLY feel INCOMING ENERGY compared to in 2015. You will see from the drawing that no one receives more than their physical body can withstand. Everyone is becoming more and more energetically SENSITIVE, as explained in 26 June 2022 FB Live update. Also on Utube. Sensitive not only to incoming energy, but increasingly energetically sensitive to everyone’s energy. I explained a few years ago: “In the future, people will be known for their ENERGY, first”. Energetic sensitivity has increased drastically this year throughout all of humanity. Which will only keep increasing. Where no longer can WORDS conjured in the MIND, hold influence, or manipulate in a desire to control any other. Each person’s ENERGY is or will be FELT. And this sensitivity will only increase for EVERYONE WORLDWIDE as we go. Fast forward into HIGHER frequencies (timeline) and a person’s energy FIELD will be SEEN with the physical eyes (some already see). JULY: But July is and will bring faster energetic SPIN within the human CELLULAR BODY. Notice if your thoughts are racing: do you like that? If not, just notice and find your own ways to mindfully quieten the mind. STILL the Mind. You are not your Mind. Become the master of your Mind, and also the observer of your thoughts, rather than let your mind control your BEINGNESS. Many may easily cope with their OWN increase in sensitivity and mind racing (cellular spin), whilst others may not cope as well…which could be expressed inwardly or outwardly as anxiety, stress, lack of patience, confusion and judgement of others or themselves. The heart centre is the KEY to return to again and again, into the experience of LOVE within you. Your heart is YOUR infinite portal to expansion into more and more consciousness. To connect into the heart, the mind CHOOSES to be STILL. In order for each to feel the presence of Love. Feeling Love, will always be accompanied by peace. And at higher octaves of Love, it is experienced as energetic BLISS and ECSTASY; with a knowing of God’s Love within and without. Residing in the inner presence of Love, the mind is in gratitude. Not racing, worrying, panicking, annoyed, anxious, judgemental, or any other thoughts that can keep your energetic frequency in a LOWER baseline. Many more worldwide events DO need to occur in order to awaken more of humanity. I tend to be subtle…so please hear me… they DO need to occur. CHOICE: So choose how you wish to play your GAME? On the worldwide stage of 3d and 4d, some will be ‘for’, some will be ‘against’ within the polarised field. Whilst others choose the neutrality state beyond the polarity field… a TIMELESS LOVE of ONE / ALL, where a judgement is absent, the ‘bigger picture’ viewport. There’s no right or wrong choice of how you play and how others around you choose to play…but there IS individual choice. And we all get to choose in every waking moment how to play in our own Game, and create FROM our Energetic Field of Light and Vibration. With Love, Amanda Lorence 08 July 2022 Pic 1: Image from March 2022 Live Pic 2: How we each within humanity receive Incoming Energy