I added another three guided Activation Meditations supported by Light Language to my SoundCloud channel to support you during this most transformative of times. That's in addition to the other three I added last week, so that 6 new tracks to assist you.
I was guided to listen to the New Earth Now Activation myself this morning and then prompted to share additional recordings with you as they are super helpful in making us feel more balanced, as well as accelerate and assist the integration and upgrades. I always feel an immediate shift whilst and after listening.
These recordings have been created to support you with your daily clearing, healing, balancing, harmonizing of all of your bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) down to the cellular, atomic, molecular levels, and whole morphogenetic field, across space and time. All of my Activations hold very powerful Ascension keys and codes that are intended to accelerate your Ascension journey and make it a little easier.
They assist with the upgrading of our multi-dimensional DNA, inner and outer Diamond Grid System and Crystalline Networks, Diamond Plasma Rainbow Lightbody, assisting with multidimensional integration and clearing of negative frequencies, energies, entities and attachments.
Listening will assist the release of old patterns, imprints, inserts, programming/ belief systems etc., to help clear the old Blueprints and Templates and allow the new to come online more quickly and effectively, plus so much more.
The best thing is you don't have to figure it all out but can relax into it and let your mind drop into your Heart. People often go into a deep meditative state or fall asleep. If that's the case, don't worry, it's just your conscious mind stepping aside to let it integrate more deeply.
The other three new activations I added, are:
- Source Stargate Activation,
- Awaken From The Quantum Dream
- Emerald Heart Activation
Also, if you do find all I share for free supportive, including all of my Activations, and are able to support me back through a donation, that would be deeply appreciated, especially during this time, as I solely rely on these for financial support.
I have focused on bringing these along with the Remote Quantum Activations and YouTube videos and writings, to help support as many as I can, next to the Gate and Gridwork I do, since October last year, to do my part to help make this massive quantum leap of The One Consciousness happen.
I have no capacity or energy to offer any private sessions on top of this at this time, and the guidance has been to continue to do this all on a donation basis, to try and help support as many as possible and get the job done, as we navigate through the finish line. Donations support this channel and my ongoing mission work of Planetary Ascension, helping raise the Collective Consciousness, and support the future publication of my transmissions.
THANK YOU so much to those that have supported me throughout this journey, or even just come across me recently and found what I share of support to you. You are who enable me to do what I came here to do. If you feel guided to and are able to support me through a donation back, the details are in the comments below, as well as the link to my YouTube channel that includes plenty of timeless navigational tips that may come in very handy during this trying time. I can also send money requests via email, through PayPal, for those that don't have an account or I can send you my bank details via email upon request.
I've myself been doing my best to navigate these very challenging energies, whilst feeling super exhausted and achy, healing my core wounds, whilst feeling unsupported. I have my daughter and her sister visiting, thankfully the tooth isn't any longer inflamed and manageable. In my spare time I focus on the Gate and Gridwork at hand which takes priority, and all I can say is, we are ready to rock and roll, imminently so. There's been a lot of push back but what is already unfolding can't be stopped and has been decreed at highest level.
It's imminent but as always, the most important thing is not to focus on linear time that doesn't exist. All aligns via Divine Frequency alignment and not before. Although its really mostly a matter of us never forgetting again that we keep co-creating all of this together as ONE, and re-membering that we are dreaming, as well as our true history and Cosmic Origins again, that bring our New Organic Ascension Realities fully online along with our Diamond Avatar Self, any moment now!
On Friday I was close to breaking point for a split second, also with all the interference via thought forms/ mind control scripts and AI interference playing out, plus with the mass exorcism reaching its crescendo it's best to stay away from people for now, but it's also all part of our Ascension and stepping fully into our power. Same for the the many deaths, break downs and breakthroughs, all we have to overcome to fully claim our power back, and we pulled through, now stronger than ever before! That's simply what it takes as well as mountains of unwavering faith, believe, trust, strength, patience, tenacity and preserverance. Of course not without the occasional questioning of everything in existence and what the heck we're even doing here. But we always keep coming back to our Truth, the KNOWing of our mission and why were here, no how hard, no matter what.
With the New Operating System fully online and taking over now, it doesn't allow us anymore to drop back to the old ways of being or rather they don't stick. The Truth arises from within and can no longer be suppressed no matter how hard anyone tries to keep projecting their unacknowledged shadows at others. It's ALL NEW NOW! I will share an update as soon as I can, it's been a struggle these past few days. Many are pulled deeper and deeper within as well as self care, as we literally birth New Earth fully from within and through our own Transformation and re-birth, any moment now, and ourselves with it.
Don't let the chaos mislead you, we are so very very close to seeing it all change with our very own eyes, for everyone to see again. Keep holding the vision! Don't give up just before the final Breakthrough, it's is here now!! Try and re/program yourself into expecting it all to change as if overnight. Without any attachment to outcome but fully convinced and knowing that reality is about to change within the blink of an eye!
Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona 💙
All of my transmissions are encoded with Multidimensional Ascension keys and codes that are intended to assist you on your journey.