donderdag 5 mei 2022

There is a Gathering Momentum of Brilliance Building around our Earth Right NOW! ~ Pars Kutay

There is a Gathering Momentum of Brilliance Building around our Earth Right NOW!

Earth is Returning to the WHOLE. . . to the Sacred Communion Community which has Always existed within our Universe.
The Stargate’s Vibrational LIGHT Doorway has Opened further to support these prophecies and is currently Shedding its LIGHT across the planet by Accelerating its Transmission outwards.
The Stargate Frequencies are Here to support the Transmutation of our Consciousness. To enable us to Open within the vast Makeup of LOVE which is essentially our True Nature.

To move us BEyond the mundane illusion and allow LOVE to Flow Freely within our lives.
These HIGHER Vibrational Flows within us are going to allow a natural forging within the Galactic and Universal community.
There is a NEW Formation Opening through this Transmission. . . it’s called a constellation of DIVINE LIGHT Flooding across our planet.

This Constellation is interacting within the MAGNETIC CORE of Earth Creating an Acceleration of further unveiling of Alternate Reality States.
The Hand of the DIVINE is Leading the way. We Stay FOCUSED on Releasing All Old Energies that NO longer serve us.

We are BE-ing called to Spend Moments in STILLNESS to Align within our Hearts and allow an Alignment of Transformation to BE set in Motion within our Systems.
Remember this Time is about us Consciously Choosing to CHANGE. . . Letting Go and moving within the NEW RHYTHM of these HIGHER FREQUENCIES.

For us. . . the Focus must BE on our SELVES. . . We are our Hearts.
To BEgin to Glimpse the Vast Arena of our Power from within. . . to Choose on Behalf of our SELVES.
These CHANGES that are operating within our Heart Cell Structures are unfolding a platform to Springboard our Consciousness to bring about a MONUMENTAL CHANGE in the way that WE can Actively Exist in the World and within the Universe.
This Time is About “us. . . Rebirthing us”.

We SHIFT the perspective of our Awareness of Home. . . from Global to Universal. Through our Realignment to simple Moments of Beauty. . . of Truth a NEW Pathway of BEing can make Itself known to us.

At this Juncture BE Aware of the opportunities that are all around us by allowing Moments of STILLNESS in our day. . . this way We will BE able to Truly utilize all the Gifts surrounding us.
Within the STILLNESS open into a space of Gratitude for this Sacred DIVINE Time that is opening outwards. . . like a Petal of a Flower opening to the Sun.

More is BE-ing revealed to us as We Choose to Open our Awareness. Be like the Flower. . . the Petal Receiving. . . taking into our SELVES the day-to-day Sacred Moments that contain the LIGHT. . . like the Rays of the Sun.
Within the simplicity of the Moment. . . We Reach with our Awareness to BE Fed by the Multi-Dimensional LIGHT that has Always exists. . . that still Awaits us NOW.

Each one of us are a Unique Collective Part of the Sacred Consciousness Pattern. . . which is Opening between every Heart.
Our Hearts have undergone a Metamorphic process through the Transmissions of LIGHT that have been coming from the MAGNETIC CORE of our Earth.

We are NOW Holding a NEW ELECTRICAL FREQUENCY within our Heart Cells and the Stargate Transmissions are continuing to Reawaken a Multi-Dimensional LIGHT Structure within us.
These ELECTRICAL SHIFTS are Designed to support us in the launching of our SELVES during this recent Transitional Opening.
A series of Alternate Reality Spaces Opening simultaneously to enable us to re-enter HIGHER SPACES of Consciousness

During this reveal of the “Returning Moments” our Ego mind BEcomes disconnected. . .
which allows us to open within an Altered Reality Experience with NO interference from the misperceptions of the Ego mind.
This process is Naturally Unfolding whether our Ego mind is aware of this or not.

There is a HIGHER Resonance opening through our Heart Structure and this Resonance is steadily Mirroring these HIGHER Consciousness Frequencies across the planet.
Each Conscious Heart is forming Natural Re-Alliances with the Sacred Sun.
This is the Perfect Design to allow our ongoing Transmutation and the Earth’s continued Expansion.
Our Hearts and the Sacred Sun are NOW interacting with the MAGNETIC CORE of the Earth.
Our Hearts are a Multi-Dimensional Tool. . . the Doorway to our Power.

Our Hearts are destined to play a Significant Role in the Unfolding Destiny of Earth.
Every human Heart Holds a Magnificent Potential. . . a unique LIGHT. . . and our Collective LIGHT Patterns form a Sacred Synergy for the ultimate Transformation of Earth’s Consciousness.
This is the DIVINE PLAN. . . Which is Unfolding.


Photo: Incoming Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies captured over Finland by Juuso Hämäläinen