The hidden aspects of the psyche that are not as hidden as one might like to think.
If you are a Mission Driven Person with a burning desire to take your Life and your Life’s Work to the next level, then understanding how Shadow Consciousness is playing out in your lived experience is an essential component in your personal Evolution.
In every given moment you are reflecting out into the world the Truth of who you are and where your Consciousness is residing, whether you are aware of it or not. Your words, thoughts, actions, behaviours and energetic frequency are like the store-front of the workings of your inner-most Being.
Shadow Consciousness will have you believe you are stuck, confused, and alone, but in reality Shadows are Portals into your Next Level Self. In fact, they are pointing to exactly what you need to look at in order for Your Next Level Self to Emerge.
Shadows have been misunderstood and that is why most people turn away from them, yet by looking away you’re actually giving them more power.
*The thing is, Shadows want to be seen.
*They want to be heard.
*Their sole purpose is to Awaken your human and
give your Soul the opportunity to Evolve.
*In fact, Shadows are Divine Messengers.
The way they get your attention is by causing disruption in your life. It is their ‘job’ to disrupt. They come in the form of confusion, fears, depression, resentments, broken relationships,
dis-ease, lack of purpose, financial difficulties, addictions, creative blocks and an overall feeling of unfulfillment.
Without this friction there wouldn’t be a need to move to Higher Levels of Consciousness, and we would be stuck in an existence where being less than our Highest Potential would be acceptable.
As you learn to Transcend your Shadows, you begin to understand that they hold your True Power and you see them for the Gifts that they hold. They are not meant to bring you down, but instead they exist to be the exact catalyst you require in order to break through to your Next Level self.
And the more EmPowered you become, the more Impact you have in the world.
Artist Jungsuk Lee