The greatest gift we can give the world and ourselves is to stop blaming the external for what we are experiencing, or pointing the finger in order to reduce our own discomfort, or searching the external for answers or saving when it has only ever been found within you.
This, I know, is not easy.
This, I struggle with daily at times, but I am aware, consciously aware, of how often I blame or point the finger at the external (people, events or experiences), instead of stepping into an empowered state and choosing how to move through it all. I am consciously aware of how I may believe that I need the external to save me from any discomfort I may feel. It is in this awareness that I step into Sovereignty and choose to bring all awareness back into me.
Yes, there is chaos in our outer world. Yes, there is chaos in our internal world, but the more we stay in the programed state of needing the external world to save us, the more we will depend on the external world to save us and the divine design within our human experience is that we are the only ones that can save ourselves.
When you are in pain, drop to your knees and feel it.
When you are in sadness, lay and let the tears fall.
When you are angry, fearful or anxious, look at yourself in the mirror and know that you would never bring anything to you that you can not experience.
When you are depressed, feel beat down, can’t see a way out, remember who you are (light within physical form) and although that may seem abstract, it is true and may it remind you that you can get through anything.
You are navigating a massive evolutionary shift in human consciousness. This is no joke!
NOTHING is arising in your world that is not designed to assist you in shifting into higher aspects of you.
Give yourself and others more compassion. We all need it right now.