An Awakened woman is a warrior of the heart.
She will never settle for a man who cannot reveal his Soul
She knows that unless his heart is on display demonstrating his true self, that what he offers is just an illusion to get what he wants.
Only when a man has done the soul work does her soul recognize him.
Only when a man has learned to listen to his heart can he hear her calling to him.
She knows that a man, who understands who he is and has learned to go within to deal with his ego and his character, is also a man who can provide her with the depth of love that she is looking for.
It is only a man who knows how to walk with her in the secret garden of her soul that has the key to unlock the reservoir of love that she longs to pour out upon him.
And because she is a warrior of the heart, she will not settle for anything less.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..