Sometimes in life the scary unexpected happens and we are thrown off kilter.
Your husband reveals that he's having an affair,
You discover a lump in your breast,
Someone you love dearly dies suddenly,
You get fired unexpectedly and you have no other source of income etc etc.
There are many unthinkable things that hit us in life that we have no control over.
The fear or grief takes on an intensity that is almost unbearable.
These are the times when the temptation to drop into negative thinking (that only exasperates the situation further) is strongest,
We need these tools for support and guidance as we traverse these rough waters where we are forced to feel the pain because nothing can truly distract us from it. All the drugs in the world simply suppress our feelings into deeper depths where they fester and zap our power and our energy.
If we don't choose to suppress our feelings with drugs, we have an opportunity to grow and open to new levels of self- discovery, simply because it comes with the territory ( unless we choose to be in denial ).
More Often than not we are forced to review our priorities,
To look at ourselves and our lives more honestly,
To take responsibility for things that we failed to take responsibility for before,
To change our course,
To call upon strengths we didn't know we had,
To discover who our true friends are,
To learn new skills,
And we are always tested to walk our talk.
This is the stuff that evolves us quickly,
it's the tough love of Divine Mother that often has to hurt in order for us to heal and to grow towards full acceptance and trust which strengthens us to suffer less as we mature in awareness.
When we see our tough challenges in this light, it helps us to start from a place of understanding and willingness to take on the challenge with less resistance.
This is bringing consciousness and compassion to the situation, our most valuable spiritual tool.
We can then give ourselves the space to be vulnerable and to be human. We can authentically fall apart if that’s what we need to do, because we know that falling apart is sometimes necessary to bring our soul pieces back together in a more balanced and empowered way. We don't need to suppress anything to prove how strong we are...
We can breathe, relax and keep letting go of the fear, staying in the present moment, pulling our mind back to presence, because the mind wants to go back to re-hash, re-play, elaborate on the story, how it could have been if only etc etc...
We can feel and express our grief fully instead of trying to stop it, we allow it it’s natural course…
We can give ourselves the care we need, accept the help of friends, get sufficient rest, try to get some exercise, preferably in nature for a boost of much needed natural endorphins...
We can help process our feelings through various exercises such as journaling any victimized or grief stricken feelings, it may be helpful to write letters to the one who hurt us and then create a ritual with fire and burn them, releasing all the anger and pain into the fire...
These are some of the ways that help us to get through the pain gently and allow our hearts to break open unimpeded to a deeper love and compassion....
But it starts with compassion and care for ourselves, giving ourselves the time to recover and the self support to make choices that will serve our highest good which in turn will serve the highest good of all those involved.