zondag 19 december 2021

WAYSHOWERS ~ Amanda Lorence

Energies increase incrementally towards Solstice. This will AMPLIFY increases TO any dominant polarity perspectives running(+/-) within any individual upon Earth. Be that a person in government, or closer to home or within oneself. Polarity, be it ‘good or bad, right or wrong’ is ALL an array of fear based protective based belief systems running within an experience of separation from SOURCE.

In separation, the human MIND thinks it has to work everything out for itself, or others. Because the human mind thinking, is feeling it is NOT connected in waking state to the Source of ALL. Each will experience based on their own perspective and the routes made at Soul level to experience so much more but THEN come out of. Try not to get involved in another’s Belief Systems, as it’s all just the human MIND PROGRAMME each come out of when each are at their own READY POINT to release the CRYSTALINE PROGRAMME that ran the human.

You are not your mind, you are not your thoughts. You are before all thoughts and all words. So some will REACT within the polarity field, to outer programming of people outside of them, yet they are still reacting from their own inner MIND programming that is calling to be seen running. The elephant in the room is the human MIND. To let go of. And rise to become

CONSCIOUSNESS FIRST, outside of human MIND PROGRAMME. Outside of Polarity, ANY polarity. For there is just CHOICE. And the experience of any choice made and the results of it’s creation.

The heightening incoming energies towards Solstice are ALSO amplifying Soul Consciousness for those outside of polarity, that are residing, living, being, in the neutrality of All that Is. Aware YET unaffected by observing the old dissolving holographic outer reality, unaffected by the old MIND PROGRAMMING they have already GIVEN UP/RELEASED, they are expanding their energy. Holding the energies. Anchoring the energies here.

Working with energy consciously so and daily. Integrating more SOUL, a state outside of solid, time or space yet WITH the human body on board on a continuous basis. Mind, Soul & Body aligned as One Consciousness within. This is the ‘world’ from which they are creating from the unseen, into a seen NEW HIGHER FREQUENCY solid reality that THEY SEE, KNOW, and experience in. We create from that Consciousness FIRST which the MIND TOOL is in alignment to receive, act and do. Which is an entirely different ‘world’ within us.

And we manifest as divinely aligned conscious creators WITH our ever present reconnection to God. Our Consciousness, residing outside of the body/mind/time/space/solid reality, WAS our consciousness all along. Just that our consciousness seemed behind the scenes, it seemed separated from the human mind, because of the overpowering loudness and control of the HUMAN MIND PROGRAMMING we all agreed to experience by, until it finished its CRYSTALINE PROGRAMME and we’d then come out if it. So consciousness isn’t embodied, until we are each ready to give back the human mind programming, and allow our Soul consciousness to BECOME US. Before the mind, yet still allowing the mind to be serving as a TOOL within a solid holographic reality.

Find the ever present PEACE that is always there within you, to be experienced, by allowing IN the state of ALL TIMELESS LOVE, everyone’s journey and experiences for their Soul. All is so well, and on track for the collective and Mother Earth. Find your peace, and you shall be that peace to all others outside of you. And thus CREATE that heaven on Mother Earth, with her, with universes, with God the Source Creator SELF REALISED within you.

With Love
Amanda Lorence
18 December 2021