donderdag 16 december 2021

I have heard this so often from beautiful souls around the world ~ Nicky Hamid

I have heard this so often from beautiful souls around the world.

“Totally frustrated after clearing layers and layers, unable to manifest what I have wanted for years. Tried so hard over the years to get it right.”
We have been peeling back the layers of an onion to get to the core beliefs. If you can get to the core then all the layers collapse.

However, the missing key is that you cannot clear away without replacing the “space” with something else like unconditional love, or the feeling that gives you the Knowing of it.
Frustration is one of the most powerful “tools” of the ego that keep you from your higher frequencies. It will distract you just as you are going to make a breakthrough. It floods you, the ego wants attention.

Trying hard to accomplish anything is to force. But spiritual growth is not hard. Allowing it to unfold naturally, this is power.

So when you have peeled back there must be this time of hiatus, this time of quiet, of no thing. And when it appears you are going nowhere, this is not so. In this stillness of ‘no thing” it is time to allow no “monkey mind” to take its place in your consciousness. To not get distracted by the “impetuous child’’ or “controlling parent” mind tapes that are pulling at you to get busy because the ego is bored.

And feelings of “Getting it right”, another distraction, is ritual thinking. You do not have to get details right. You do not even have to know any of the past events that appeared to lead up to where you think you are.

What counts is the energy of your intention. Trying to get it right (perfection) thoughts of “You are not intelligent enough, worthy enough, not as good as others, it is hard for you but easier for everybody else,” are always present in your subconscious mind. Thoughts even that you’ve been cursed is used as an excuse for letting go trusting and letting your Heart lead the way.

Sense of shame about not growing as fast as others, or not being able to do what others can, any sense of competition in fact are also distractions. Looking back over your life and feeling as if you have wasted it is another distraction for not moving.

If you fill your cup with Love then what is not of love has to spill over and leave. It comes to the surface as emotional outbursts, mental confusion, physical symptoms, because it is leaving.
Your Love is the alchemy that transforms it. Your patience, understanding, loving kindness, to let all things pass in yourself without judgement, is what your Divinity is asking of you.
I So Love You

PS. Making this transition requires us to truly Lighten up. To choose consciously thoughts, activities, that give us the “good” feelings. To play is to do something for no other reason than you enjoy doing it and it brings you into your Presence. You are not meant to be living the life demands of others but only you can extricate yourself out of it and it requires you to constantly go within and let go.

Jump sweet Friends JUMP.
Into the depth of yourself.
Into Stillness.
The Love You ARE Arises.