The energies have been staying steady with their intensity as we are being upgraded and turned on rapidly now. As the Solar Rays (radiation) keep coming down it is assisting us tremendously to turn our gifts on. The intuition is on HIGH.
The body is going through a lot but you can begin to FEEL the changes and transmutation taking place within. I can't express in words how huge this time has begun to be and what we are heading into. People, Places and Things are not what they appear to be and with your newly attuned Higher Dimensional senses coming in you are seeing this clearly. Now is not the time to judge your body's wisdom.
Now is not the time to second guess your finely tuned and tapped-in intuition. I observe EVERYTHING and even when I know what is happening within a person or a situation, I stay silent for THEM to have their experience, karma or lesson. As much as you want to step in for other people right now; let them have their experience. EVERYONE is going through it whether they know it or not.
I'm guided to say read Dolores Cannon's books on the three waves if you haven't already. Books about your Star Families are important right now because next year there will be a lot of "revelations" on our intergalactic ancestral lineages. If you know good ones please list them below for Community!
Your body has turned on its Multidimensional Superpowers. I write about this and how you can assist it in the New Earth Updates in MOSK, I'll link it below!
You may be experiencing fatigue, vibrations, headaches, sleepless or wanting to sleep all the time. Pain and discomfort in the organs, spine, marrow (bones), Massive brain activity right now and this will bring in energies that affect our motor skills, adrenals, thyroid, and Nervous System; just to name a very few. The energies have upgraded to Ultra Sonic and Rainbow Frequencies, this ain't your old school energies (Thank Goddess for them) these are SHARP and go cellular. We're in it.
So much Love Starseeds
Artist: Artsoldier77