"This is a so much happier and fulfilled life now awakening for you.
The old life is dead and gone and is no more. You are now stepping into your soul maturity and thus the High Priestesshood, where you can truly shine without encumbrance, and where you can just be!
Be your own beautiful soul self! Shine in the truth of who and what you are and becoming and what you are bringing to the fore for the greatest gifting of humanity.
You have been through the grinding mills and back again, but now, the purest and rarest of white-gold is being illumined within you, so that you can bring this amazing work to humanity at large, and your work will trigger something deep and profound within them, for that is what you do.
It only in one’s maturity that one can truly become that transmitter of the Divine and it only then that one is freed from all which has been before. One has been there, lived it, and now the utter freedom to simply be oneself, and thus allow the higher soul self to take over, and then BECOME that which changes the world.
It is in the becoming that you will prosper and grow.
It is in the doing that you will become.
And in the becoming you grow into the utmost of ALL that you are at soul level.
This is the blessing of maturity.
It is not something one has in one’s twenties, nor thirties, nor forties, nor fifties. It only come in the sixties, and blossoms forth then and it is blinding in its beauty, it truth and integrity, it authenticity, and more than this its inherent pure love and light, etched with the Golden Rays of Wisdom and Insight one has now gained.
Celebrate the life force within you and allow yourself to be used by much higher Hands and you will blossom forth like never before.
Such is the ultimate blessing of this time and you are indeed being blessed and being a blessing to the planet and humanity at large!