The process of evolvement is very simple dear ones.
You hold the intention in your heart of living your life in the light of God.
You energise this with gratitude and joy for the love that you are.
Everything flows from this. Loving kindness towards all life forms goes forth.
Self-love and forgiveness become a divine reality and you rejoice in this way of being.
Your light shines forth, touching not only those close by but way into the world and beyond, helping to raise the overall vibration.
The New Earth is now present and many of you have entered this holy place, preparing it for the masses to follow. This shall be, for the light on your planet can never be dimmed.
It is growing in brilliance as more and more of you open to your divinity.
All will change in your world. It will not be without bumps on the way but you will smooth those out as you remain beacons of light. Do not enter fear or doubt for that is a loss of trust. Have faith in the plan to be awake to guidance for where you should change direction. New opportunities will arise as you evolve and that is as you planned before incarnating.
Be here now.
An exciting new era has begun so do not fall by the wayside. You are grand creators and any road blocks are part of your life challenges. All can quickly be overcome when you hold yourself fully present in the light. Know that you are powerful beings and manifest this new world for every person on Earth. This is your present task and the future is in your hands.
Call on us for support where you feel a little frail, for we will never fail you dear hearts.
I am Michael with my cloak of protection at your service.